Edd dec 2012


Momo, How r u and baby?

Mreow, how's ur jb trip? So envy u tt u still can go jb and stay overnight... Lol :) must have had lotsa nice food to eat! :)

Cherry, sounds nice to have early Xmas celebration! Heehee I can feel my bb's feet stretched on extreme right of my mid-tummy when I sit down or walk at times... I wonder what position is he in... Tml then I know :)
I had cramps last night but too bad, no regular contractions. Haiz lol

Allele, any symptoms? :)

IvyB, how r u? Any news coming up? :)


Sze Sze, so nice to b able to latch immediately. U said u did the nipple stretching exercise before c-sect? Is it just pulling the nipple for how long? Any breast massage? :)
I hope I can have immediate latch on like u too... :)


Aiya. . No symptoms yet. Ytd tried to do squats and do some houseworks. Now going out to neighbourhood shopping mall walk walk. Hehe..


Haha Allele, I am soooo gonna rest today after walking in malls for the past few days.... Leg so tired... Haha and tummy feels heavier each day... Hahaha
Happy shopping around!! :) hope to hear some good news or visible symptoms from u! ^^


Congratulations Momo!!!! So happy for u!! And baby in very good weight for u!! Haha cool! Have a good rest Momo!!! Hugs!!!


Wow congrats momopeachgirl

Hello Glenn

I'm now induced. -.-!! Ctg. hungry although I ate lunch. Lucky din take doc advice to go hospital immediately. I take time n eat. But little nia. -.-!!


New Member
Wow congrats momopeachgirl

Hello Glenn

I'm now induced. -.-!! Ctg. hungry although I ate lunch. Lucky din take doc advice to go hospital immediately. I take time n eat. But little nia. -.-!!
Try not to eat too much. In my first pregnancy, I vomitted after I gave birth. Felt nausea after inhaling too much of the gas i guess. Felt terrible cos i vomitted all my food. But do eat something so you have energy to push later.


New Member
Reading one by one giving birth made me feel so envious of you. Cant wait for my turn. But mine will be a long way. Just turn 36 weeks only. Haiz..


Lovepixie, ur turn next!! Good luck in your pushing!! Have some energy, and use EPI if pain so u can store more energy for pushing bb :) looking forward to hearing from u too :)
All the best!!!!


congrats momo!! waiting for you birth story soon...

jia yooo lovepixie!!!

*wondering when is my turn* >.< everyday keep telling the baby "u can come out nowwwwwww"
my hubby will say "let her be.. she will be out when she's ready" *cry*


Lovepixie... Try to sleep... Or listen to some music to soothe yourself... I think not easy but just try not to get too distracted by ur neighbour :)


Congratz momo! Have a good rest and happy bonding with ur son ya!

Lovepixie: Hey it's ur turn now! Try to reserve ur energy for ur final pushing ya! All the best to u and smooth delivery! U gonna meet ur baby very soon!
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Sze sze

Luckystar, I din use nursing pillow, but I think it is good to have if u breastfeeding using hand to carry the baby, ur hand won't be so tire, can rest a bit...
i normally breastfeeding on bed in sleeping position... Easier...
occasionally hand carrying while feeding, so both hand n shoulder super tire...
And depends if u natural or c sect delivery, at the moment, I think it is impt see what position that u feel more comfortable ....

momopeachgal, congrat!!!! Take a good rest~~


Wahhaha nurse let me walk walk. I go see nurse clean baby just born. Hmm they use baby oil to clean de. I kaypo kaypo n c.
Hi! U havent get contractions yet? What time did they started the induction? How does it feels like?
Aiks.. I also need to get prepared for my induction on sat if nothing happens.


Hello mummies! Here I am surfacing again n so happy to read some gd news in here! Hee hee

Congrats to u momo!! :D

Sze sze: congrats to u too for being able to latch on Kate so fast. She's a smart girl! Enjoy d beautiful moments bf-ing ur gal. :)