EDD September 2013 Mummies


StellaC: Her weight sounds ok for me. I have heard of baby who was born at 3.9kg. Actually above 3Kg is okay, easier to carry and look after, told by my mum.

If baby is too big for your delivery, (gynae may take your size and health conditions into consideration), gynae may suggest an induced labour.


3kg sounds ok! Most of my friends have babies around 3.5kg. What did your doctor say other than too heavy? Induce earlier?


is a baby boy exactly 37week born with 2.95kg via natural birth. I feel glad that labour time don't take a long time for me xD if not the pain realy cannot take it xD Was been told that I must give birth yesterday within 24hours due to my water leak...admitted TMC about evening time then they giving me water dripping about 2 hours to let ne have contraction untill about 10pm go into labour room and came out at 11pm xD everything happened so suddenly! I tot im still have 3 weeks to reach the due date...
Congrat Min Xing. So excited to hear that. I'm 37 week this Fri, hope baby is ready to born soon :)


Nowadays, many baby born above 3kg. But I hope my baby weight will be around 2.8kg, easy for delivery.

For coconut drink, I heard someone said should drink young coconut
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Any mummies on maternity already?
I will be 37 weeks next tues and haven't pack my hospital bag!! :(
so busy at work n tired too.

i asked my colleague about the coconut n she says just go market n ask the lady which type.
they will know :)

min xing mummy - natural delivery means no epidural? Or just vaginal birth?
is it like how pple describe as sharp menses pain but 10000 times worst?


Any mummies on maternity already?
I will be 37 weeks next tues and haven't pack my hospital bag!! :(
so busy at work n tired too.

i asked my colleague about the coconut n she says just go market n ask the lady which type.
they will know :)

min xing mummy - natural delivery means no epidural? Or just vaginal birth?
is it like how pple describe as sharp menses pain but 10000 times worst?
Sunbeams, I heard that horror stories about the delivery process. A lot of mothers will be screaming in the observation room. Don't know how true it is. I hope that Min Xing can share with us her experience. I am starting to freak out.


My personal opinion don't need to take maternity too early, I rather spent more time with baby after born, unless you cannot tahan. I think 1-2 weeks before edd should be ok.

Most first time delivery not so fast, only in case of water bag burst or blood discharge a lot like menstrual then need to rush to hospital immediately.

The worst case just rush to hospital and ask your husband go back to collect your item needed, provided you have da bao ready
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My personal opinion don't need to take maternity too early, I rather spent more time with baby after born, unless you cannot tahan. I think 1-2 weeks before edd should be ok.

Most first time delivery not so fast, only in case of water bag burst or blood discharge a lot like menstrual then need to rush to hospital immediately.

The worst case just rush to hospital and ask your husband go back to collect your item needed, provided you have da bao ready
i hv standby my hospital bag, but not sure if I packed everything. Ya, thinking of can still ask hubby to go home to take if I missed out anything..


Hi StellaC, I visited my gynae yesterday. My baby is 3kg 37 weeks. She said that the baby's weight is within acceptable range.
Good tO know.. Seems my gynae just a bit kiasu type. But these two weeks I will eat plainly ... :( hao Xin ku when friends keep jio-ing for high tea.


StellaC: Her weight sounds ok for me. I have heard of baby who was born at 3.9kg. Actually above 3Kg is okay, easier to carry and look after, told by my mum.

If baby is too big for your delivery, (gynae may take your size and health conditions into consideration), gynae may suggest an induced labour.
3.9 is really big! My mum also says bigger nicer to carry! Hehe. Dunno if is it cause my gynae just wants me to eat less .


3kg sounds ok! Most of my friends have babies around 3.5kg. What did your doctor say other than too heavy? Induce earlier?
He just says baby ggirl very "bui" haha. If too big not easy to deliver, plus I have a fibroid so he says might be problem if too big then have to c-sect.
I had a friend who checked that her girl was 3.8 so her gynae induced her as it's too big, but turned out baby is only 3.2.


My hubby cousin in law had her bb girl this jan at 4.17kg!! NaturAl with epidural!! Can u believe it?
heard she put on 21kg or something!


My hubby cousin in law had her bb girl this jan at 4.17kg!! NaturAl with epidural!! Can u believe it?
heard she put on 21kg or something!
wow~ giant baby.. My colleague had her baby boy 4kg in jan as well, but her doctor advised her to go for c-section.


My hubby cousin in law had her bb girl this jan at 4.17kg!! NaturAl with epidural!! Can u believe it?
heard she put on 21kg or something!
Wa! Isn't that very big? And so tough to carry so much extra weight. So far I gained 12kg and there's a congested vein in my left calf that bulges out whenever I walk.

I keep dreaming every night that I am having labour pains.. And giving birth. Do you all also have dreams like that?


I've started having dreams about looking after baby etc! My first pregnancy related dream since I got my BFP. Think it's really hitting me that baby is coming out.