Recent content by seepia

  1. S

    My boy only eats and drink milk when there's ipad

    Hi mummies out there, need advice here. my son is 14mts old. he only wants to open his mouth when there'a an ipad/ iphone(watching brainy baby). it has become a practice that everytime, even when is potty trained, he needs the iphone to sit down. when we give him food, he will hit the...
  2. S

    How to cough out phelgm

    hi, can send me the video as well? my son is 11 mths old and i can hear that he does has a lot of phelgm inside. thanks.
  3. S

    When will baby sleep thru the night?

    Hi, my boy is 7.5 mths old. he sleeps from 8pm till 3am-ish. then he will wake up and ask for milk before sleeping back (usually at 5am) how can i make him sleep thru till morning at least 6am? thanks.
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    How to cough out phelgm

    Hi, can you pls send me the video as well? thanks a bunch mummies!