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    How much do you spend on groceries per month?

    Hi everyone, Can you please share with me how much do you spend on groceries per month as a household? -Expenses include kid's milk powder, diapers, food and toiletries. - Where do you normally get your groceries. Thanks for sharing!
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    sahm with hubby frequently traveling for work

    Hi any sahms here with hubby often traveling for work? /outstationed? I could find myself in that situation soon so I hope to get some views on this? -How often does your hubby travel for work and whats the frequency that you find acceptable? - How do you cope daily with the chores and...
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    Left the can of fm exposed without lid, can still use?

    I accidentally left the lid of the fm open . Been few hours then i realised. Some powder become hardened the rest ok. If i throw away the hard bits can i still use that can of fm?? Need some views on this asap, pls help! Thank u!
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    Do you feel differently about your in laws after marriage?

    As above topic. Just to share. Have been married for close to 2 yrs now and my first born is few months shy of 1 yr old. My in laws are pretty easy going folks, which i remember thanking my lucky stars for when we were about to be married. After some time, i sometimes get annoyed with...
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    Bishan Mommies- Recommend a good playgroup?

    :Dancing_wub:Hi everyone! I will be moving to Bishan very soon, currently a stay at home mom. I intend to place my son in playgroup when he is about 18 months, and go back to work. Can any bishan mommies share with me some of the childcare centres their toddlers are in? (Bishan area) -And why...
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    Baby broke out in rashes after taking formula milk

    Hi mummies, need some input on this.. my baby is now 6 month old and all along taking my ebm. I had been exclusively pumping for him. Realised that my supply dropping after return of period, therefore about a week ago ( 7 days to be exact) i had given him one feed of fm ( NAN Pro 2) per day...
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    Necessary to have freezer stash?

    Hi mummies, I have a qn about storing ebm in freezer. Currently im excklusively pumping for my son, slightly pass 3 months now. I make more than enough for him and i only refrigerate my ebm, cos i know freezing destroys some antibodies. I know refrigerated ebm is good for 48 hrs, and he...
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    Comfort suckling

    Hi mummies, my baby is now 3 week old. I'm latching him in the day and confinement lady bottle feed him ebm at night currently. I have a problem, even if he has just been fed 70 ml like 15 min ago, when I carry him due to him being fussy in cot he will open his mouth and wanna latch on, which I...
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    FIL habitual borrowing..need your advice

    Hi mummies, I have got an issue that's bothering me so I would really appreciate getting a different perspective or goes: My FIL is self employed and has a shop. He would call to ask for temporary loan from my hubby ranging from few hundred to thousand cos he need to pay the...
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    Washing baby's clothes for the first time

    Hi mummies, understand we have to wash bb clothes using bb detergent before bb arrival. I have got hand me downs as well as new clothes. Do we have to handwash everything? How many drops of detergent is sufficient? Also, have to soak the clothes or just simply wash will do? Grateful for...
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    Poor appetite, feel thirsty often..

    Hi mummies, I'm now into my 33 weeks and dun feel hungry most of the time. Not that I have a big appetite to start with for this pregnancy.. but into third tri, I feel like tummy feels heavy and tight, no space for food.. esp dinner. Thus, forced myself to eat a lil everytime. Also, I always...