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  1. gzifa

    Safety measures taken while traveling?

    Yup, it is for arms, although we recently had kids pasting it on their cheeks - adorable! There's even one for kids with allergies, can have a look at them here: Little Red Bus: Design and Inspirations for the Young
  2. gzifa

    Safety measures taken while traveling?

    Hey mummies, we're running an informal survey, on what are some of the safety measures taken by parents while traveling overseas? This is in lieu with the launch of our latest products: Safety Tattoos. Well received in the USA, it's now available at Little Red Bus. We're currently...
  3. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    I still don't know why didn't the gynaes detect the abnormalities till the 22nd week, or why KKH couldn't tell me what was wrong, until I visited a private hosp gynae. No point pondering over them anymore either I suppose. I'm glad you've decided to try again. My aunt (many years ago) had the...
  4. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    My heart goes out to u. I've been in your shoes, just 5 months ago. I've nv stopped hurting, not even for a day. Do you have any other children? As for me, I don't. People keep saying it's possible to have another, etc. Although we're looking for gynaes and all, we're both terrified. At times...
  5. gzifa

    Need to vent: How others look at your special needs child

    I know a boy who attended a "resource schools with a special needs support officer who will help teachers manage all the special needs cases." He eventually left the school, because as hardworking and dedicated the support officer might be. There was only 1 person in his school, who was...
  6. gzifa

    Need to vent: How others look at your special needs child

    She fails to realize that by doing so, she's might risk raising and utterly selfish child who might not be equipped with the ability to socialize with the diverse types of children of the world! In the long run, it's her child losing out..
  7. gzifa

    Need to vent: How others look at your special needs child

    We need to think of ways to create greater awareness. While some are just plain mean and rude, there is a greater number of people of the general public who are simply ignorant to special needs children and their characteristics, and thus label these children as "naughty", "lazy", etc...
  8. gzifa

    Need to vent: How others look at your special needs child

    *Speechless* Teacher supposed to be the educated one. -Sigh-
  9. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    Yes indeed. Paid for rotten serv. Was requested to write an article for Today's Motherhood about my baby, hope it creates more awareness, and a turn for the better in the future.
  10. gzifa

    Need to vent: How others look at your special needs child

    I have a 9 year old autistic nephew. He used to be in a stroller till about 3-4 years old, and he's very big-built, thus looking "unusual" in a stroller. Everytime we brought him out, would get countless stares too. While it annoys us, we try to ignore them. Now that he's bigger and able to...
  11. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    Hi jasobias: Thank you for sharing your experience. While 'happy' is not the right word, it feels a little heartening to know that there are other moms who have been through what I did. I surfed the i-net endlessly trying to find someone to relate my feelings to, and found no1. While my...
  12. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    Angelmum: Yes, I feel that too, the gynaes (both private & govt subsidized) were always in a rush. They kept brushing aside every concern of mine. I was hugely disappointed, especially since the pvt gynae came highly recommended. Plus, the private ones kept emphasizing that they are EXPENSIVE...
  13. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    No, the EDD was 28/8, however, I gave birth to him on 24/4, that's when he passed away. Yes, my mom did make me go thru a 2 weeks confinement too. For many months after that, I isolated myself from alot of people. I still am sort of. Don't socialize as much as I used to. Happens to be, I was...
  14. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    Hi Angelmum, so sorry to hear you went thru the same thing. I know how hard it is. Hope you have begun to heal and move on. Yes, I discovered the abnormalities at about 5.5mths, when I went for the detailed scan. Went to 3 or 4 different gynaes for opinions.. all said the same thing, that he...
  15. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    TQ 4 ur kind words. =) Very very much appreciated. As for coping, it's a try, everyday. Helps that I have an superbly understanding partner and family.
  16. gzifa

    where to get good wooden toys for bbs?

    You might also want to try Forum @ Orchard, the B1 has some very good children's toys. I can't recall the names of the shops, but its right infront of the ATM machines and near the Spinelli's.
  17. gzifa

    Good Childcare Centre in Bukit Panjang

    Is it perhaps (i think!) called New Life Church child care?
  18. gzifa

    Parents rejecting their special child

    That is very very saddening to hear. My son was diagnosed with multiple genetic disorders too when I was mid-way through my pregnancy. Unfortunately, he never survived. Doctors foresaw that he would have the same plight as that little boy if he were born. Mine passed away when I was in my third...
  19. gzifa


    ya. i read somewhere must wash a few times. my house air-con dead many mths liao. hahah im more worried my baby gonna sweat bigtime. lately sembawang soooo warm!