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    Beloved Inglesina Car Seat

    Hi Pigster, the car seat has been sold. Sorry
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    Beloved Inglesina Car Seat

    Still available
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    Beloved Inglesina Car Seat

    WTS Inglesina Car Seat Condition 9/10. Still in very good condition. Can use from newborn to ~2+ yrs old. Seat is high so baby can see outside window, and also driver can peep at baby from rear mirror. Seat can be inclined for newborn or when child is sleeping. Selling $80 (original price...
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    BF Babies with Jaundice

    =) i am glad my PD ran the tests to determine whether "normal jaundice" or "bf jaundice"..
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    BF Babies with Jaundice

    oh yeah, do not worry about bf jaundice =) My 1st was diagnosed with "true" jaundice and had to go for "suntanning" session. So when my 2nd was turning more and more yellowish at home, I got worried. My pediatrician ran some tests on her peepee and poopoo and told me it is bf jaundice, not...
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    bottle opinion

    my little one is rejecting the bottle, screams really angrily when my helper tries to feed her with the bottle. (She screams even louder if I try to bottle feed her and I dont blame her..) I am using the tommy tippee bottles..any bottles out there to recommend?
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    Pacifier for breastfed babies

    Thanks! I got the NUK latex ones and she accepted it. What a great relief!
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    Breastfed babies vs Formula fed babies

    My older one was given more formula milk than breastmilk while my second one is almost entirely directly breastfed. I find my 2nd baby is more gassy than my older one. Anyone find that breastfed babies more gassy than bottle fed babies as well?
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    Pacifier for breastfed babies

    My 4mth old breastfed baby has been rejecting the avent pacifiers i bought and dislike bottle feeding as well, think it is becoz they are not in the shape of the nipples. I really want her to learn self soothing using pacifier becoz I cant let her latch on all the time in the public, esp when I...
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    Comfort Suck

    This was my experience yesterday. 10:30pm feed --> massage & poo & change diaper 1:30am feed --> massage & poo & change diaper 4:30am feed --> mama too lazy to massage so goes straight back to sleep 5:30am feed/suckle for comfort 6:00am feed/suckle for comfort --> massage & poo & change...
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    How to comfort a baby without a pacifier?

    =P she doesnt allow me to carry her. Everytime i do so, she will scream and search for the breast. So i have to use the sling and carry her around. This works. The problem is I cant put her down, the min i do so, she will start screaming away again. She is a very light sleeper..
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    When will baby learn to sleep on his/her own?

    Me and my husband are struggling as well... My first child relies on a pacifier. All we needed was to rock him and give him his pacifier. He could nap for 2-3 hours and sleep through the night. Wonderful life we had. Now my 2nd child is already 3months old but my life is still upside down. She...
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    How to comfort a baby without a pacifier?

    My girl is 11 weeks old now. I don't want to be human pacifier anymore. Anyone has sucessful story to share (without having to give up bfing), please share! would be much much appreciated =)
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    Comfort Suck

    I am in the same situation too =( I used the bottle for my first child because we were worried he was not eating enough. So he was not attached to my breast and was able to use a pacifier. Now, with my 2nd child, I let her latch on to maintain my breastmilk supply. She is more colicky than my...
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    East Area - Looking For Babysitter - 34 Chai Chee Ave

    Hi, I am looking for a babysitter for - my 11wk old baby girl and 2 year old boy. - Every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 5-9pm at my place - Starting as early as possible. Please pm me or...