
  1. B

    My reaction when...

    -somebody sings Christmas songs 2 weeks after it is over.
  2. B

    Lets Play; Who Said It!

    "Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable." "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." "The best revenge is massive success."
  3. B

    Finish the story

    She came to me one morning...
  4. B

    All McDonald's employees are short?

    Maybe this is just me but I've been to McDonald's several times and I've NEVER seen a tall employee or even an average-sized employee. Every time I went to McDonald's, all of the employees (both male and female) were short. Does McDonald's have a preference for short people or is this just my...
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    Funny things your kids said/did

    When my daughter was 3 she did a really big poop on the potty. I asked her where all that came from. She very proudly announced “Santa got me that for Christmas!”
  6. L

    Letter to my daughter: Your birth Story...

    Dear baby Lauren, Looking at you sleeping so peacefully in your crib now, I could hardly believe you were just in my womb 24 hours ago. It all started on Thursday morning when I woke up with contractions. You are my first child, so I had always wondered if I could tell the real ones from...
  7. O

    Looking for IVF mothers with an interesting story of their IVF experience

    Hi all mothers, MediaCorp is considering telling a succcessful IVF (must be subsidised in restructured hospital) story of a couple going through the struggle and finally a birth or even two. Would appreciate if I can contact you or some couple you know fit the bill. The couple need not be...