1st solid food for 4mths baby!


Hi mummies,

What the 1st solid food which u had prepared for ur loved one during 4months old?

According to the guide book, juices n vege soups are the 1st solid foods for 1st stage baby...

Mummies, if u did so, can share wth me regarding the recipe? How to prepare it?

Thanks ya! :)


New Member
I prepared peach + apricot puree for my 4 months old baby. I steamed the fruit then leave it cool and then peel the skin off. Cut them into small pieces and then blend them separately as i don't want it too sweet or too sour.after blend them separately,i mix them together slowly. =) finally i stored the puree into ice tray and keep frozen.
At the beginning just a but to try and learn to "eat" from spoon! He is picking up very fast. So cute when he lean forward to eat! So eager. =)


New Member
Somehow apricot is not so suitable for infant below 6 months. I think the best ones are banana, peach and apple. My son loves apple too!


New Member
For first food, usually I will start with vegetables as fruits are more sweet.
steam the vegetable eg, carrot, brocolli, potatoes, then use a fork to crush the vege and thats it.


Try to start after 6 month as baby's stomach may not be ready for solids yet. Here, Dr Sears explain why it's preferable to begin feeding solids later: 6 Reasons To Delay Introducing Solid Food | Ask Dr. Sears®
Don't give juices as they r too sweet. U can dilute it with some boiled water if u want to give. Start introducing new food one at a time so that you can take note of what is causing allergic reactions if there r any.