2 weeks wait

talkin bout tis hor, u guys wanna hear my sad n feelin dwn story... I was admitted in KKH on Saturday night n was discharged yest.. Aft discharged my DH n i went dwn to the kopitiam to hv our meals.. While im enjoying my meals my DH went to get a drink n saw he's friend with he's friends wife who r goin for a labour soon.. They r married a week b4 us n goin to c their joy soon.. He's friend's wife sat n talk to me about how anxious n nervous she's gonna be in a while for the induce.. I was thr jz dunno wat to say n jz gave her the moral support n words of encouragement but deep in me i felt heartbroken n imagine if both me n DH r super duper fertile come to think of it i tink i might be waitin for the time as well to pop out:eek:10::eek:10::eek:10:
justforgags, what happened to you ah? why were you discharged from kkh? :nah:



justforgags, what happened to you ah? why were you discharged from kkh? :nah:

i was admitted in KKH which was referrred frm my company clinic the RMG due to tender uterus n scans shows tt i hv ovarian cycst n tt cycst has been bothering me which causes the pain..


i understand how you feel justforgags. i had worse experience. my colleagues in my current company all like my parents and in-laws. keep pressuring me to get pregnant soon. but it's not that i dont want what.... these uncles and aunties just dont understand.

Hopefully we hv good news soon which will shut them up=)


Well-Known Member
i understand how you feel justforgags. i had worse experience. my colleagues in my current company all like my parents and in-laws. keep pressuring me to get pregnant soon. but it's not that i dont want what.... these uncles and aunties just dont understand.
YA LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my in-law.....ask me to see tis TCM, she say her frd only saw the gynae for a few times then preggie liao.....i shoot her back asking if her frd has any fertity problems or not.......there's no such ting as "shen2 yi1"....she oso duno anyting, then open her big mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my in-law dun even understand my problem....then anyhow anyhow!!!!!!!

i'm oso fedup loh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YA LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my in-law.....ask me to see tis TCM, she say her frd only saw the gynae for a few times then preggie liao.....i shoot her back asking if her frd has any fertity problems or not.......there's no such ting as "shen2 yi1"....she oso duno anyting, then open her big mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my in-law dun even understand my problem....then anyhow anyhow!!!!!!!

i'm oso fedup loh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

relax ok.. mebbe they r craving for grandchildren n tryin to help us but dunno hw to put in words n say things tt hurt us.. Its good tt ur in law suggest u to c the TCM rather den my friend in law who keep on saying tt she's infertile n will nt bore them any generation but end up its their own son who got fetility prob.. *shame, dunno whr to put face*

as for me i hv no probs wit my in law cz my DH dun like he's family bad mouth so im nt close lor n moreovr i heard tt my mum in law bad mouthing me recently n tts the more i dun wanna get close.. Its best we stay far apart n as a child we only call to ask how r they nt more than tt:001_302:


New Member
i understand how you feel justforgags. i had worse experience. my colleagues in my current company all like my parents and in-laws. keep pressuring me to get pregnant soon. but it's not that i dont want what.... these uncles and aunties just dont understand.
just to share...
i'm married for 6 months and ttc.i'm quite sickly always fall sick once a month and stay with my parent-in-law...so once when i'm having high fever my MIL say..."why you always fall sick...no wonder not pregnant". I was so hurt cos it take 2 to be pregnant and i have done a health check up to ensure that i've no problem to conceive.
Next my colleagues (2 of them)who got married 2mths later than me are both pregnant so the other colleagues keep asking me why so long...i know that they are concern but not everyone like my 2 colleagues so lucky.
Quite sick with ppl around me pestering me to get pregnant.


just to share...
i'm married for 6 months and ttc.i'm quite sickly always fall sick once a month and stay with my parent-in-law...so once when i'm having high fever my MIL say..."why you always fall sick...no wonder not pregnant". I was so hurt cos it take 2 to be pregnant and i have done a health check up to ensure that i've no problem to conceive.
Next my colleagues (2 of them)who got married 2mths later than me are both pregnant so the other colleagues keep asking me why so long...i know that they are concern but not everyone like my 2 colleagues so lucky.
Quite sick with ppl around me pestering me to get pregnant.
i know its hard on us.. But when people ask me those question i'll answer them tt we still wanna enjoy n save up more.. Mebbe bcz im still in my 20s so still quite easy for me..


Active Member
relax ok.. mebbe they r craving for grandchildren n tryin to help us but dunno hw to put in words n say things tt hurt us.. Its good tt ur in law suggest u to c the TCM rather den my friend in law who keep on saying tt she's infertile n will nt bore them any generation but end up its their own son who got fetility prob.. *shame, dunno whr to put face*

as for me i hv no probs wit my in law cz my DH dun like he's family bad mouth so im nt close lor n moreovr i heard tt my mum in law bad mouthing me recently n tts the more i dun wanna get close.. Its best we stay far apart n as a child we only call to ask how r they nt more than tt:001_302:
Hi Girls

Somtimes elders want the babies to 'add to the family' or just because they want to have the company of the baby, or that their friends around them are carrying babies but they are not.

It is indeed stressful and i, before i was pregnant, dreaded it. There was once i even snapped at my MIL. Given that beforehand i am not on EXTREMELY good terms with my MIL, she went on to spread that im 'infertile' thus im so 'defensive'

For me, i believe urges at times drive pple crazy and make them illogical. But i also believe that one day, in time to come, i will have my turn for laughs and then whatever they said about me is contradicted.

Well i have 'my day' now, and my MIL kinda left us alone after that 'snap' of mine or just simply gave up.

What's important is not to allow what others say to affect you (cuz only you know best) and just keep on TTC but don't give yourselves the stress


Hi Girls

Somtimes elders want the babies to 'add to the family' or just because they want to have the company of the baby, or that their friends around them are carrying babies but they are not.

It is indeed stressful and i, before i was pregnant, dreaded it. There was once i even snapped at my MIL. Given that beforehand i am not on EXTREMELY good terms with my MIL, she went on to spread that im 'infertile' thus im so 'defensive'

For me, i believe urges at times drive pple crazy and make them illogical. But i also believe that one day, in time to come, i will have my turn for laughs and then whatever they said about me is contradicted.

Well i have 'my day' now, and my MIL kinda left us alone after that 'snap' of mine or just simply gave up.

What's important is not to allow what others say to affect you (cuz only you know best) and just keep on TTC but don't give yourselves the stress

Wow!! u go girl!! u r one strong woman!! May u hv a blissful life with ur joyful one:Dancing_wub:.. Enjoy ur pregnancy=)
yah.... hard on all the ladies here...... why are do our inlaws think the problem always lie with the girls???? so unfair........... i always just brush things away and try to change subject. huh..... it's not that we want also lor. I know my hb is not young liao, but no choice lah. Things dont always happen as planned. what to do?


yah.... hard on all the ladies here...... why are do our inlaws think the problem always lie with the girls???? so unfair........... i always just brush things away and try to change subject. huh..... it's not that we want also lor. I know my hb is not young liao, but no choice lah. Things dont always happen as planned. what to do?
So the solution here is to seek help frm the specialist=)

Do anybody here know of someone irregardless of friend, relative or long dist relative who r married n now a senior citizen with no children?? I wonder how lonely their lives are n wat they do?? :err:*wondering*


Well-Known Member
yah.... hard on all the ladies here...... why are do our inlaws think the problem always lie with the girls???? so unfair........... i always just brush things away and try to change subject. huh..... it's not that we want also lor. I know my hb is not young liao, but no choice lah. Things dont always happen as planned. what to do?
i find tat those in-laws generally tink getting preggie is as easy as ABC loh....

helo, we'r NOT in the same generation...how can u compare last time n now ?????? last time, did they suffer the same stress level ??? my in-law stay at home n shake legs de loh (housewife laaaa)......where got stress ??? dun need to face boss's face....

they keep saying, last time we nv see gynae, oso can get preggie....ZzzZZZzZZZZZZzZZZ.......

smtimes hor, i was tinking inside my heart, u like kids so much, then u go get preggie again laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

:X **me very bad de hor...LOL~**


Active Member
Wow!! u go girl!! u r one strong woman!! May u hv a blissful life with ur joyful one:Dancing_wub:.. Enjoy ur pregnancy=)
Well with the pregnancy, there are different sets of woes.
Now she wants to interfere with everything i do, especially after my bout of bleeding

The most important thing for you girls is to stay happy and focus, and not allow others affect you. Ur turns will come, and when it comes, it will be very sweet and joyful for all of you :D


Well with the pregnancy, there are different sets of woes.
Now she wants to interfere with everything i do, especially after my bout of bleeding

The most important thing for you girls is to stay happy and focus, and not allow others affect you. Ur turns will come, and when it comes, it will be very sweet and joyful for all of you :D

She's concern.. Think positive ok.. Preggy women tends to hate some1 easily i guess, they're sensitive.. Some say tt if u tend to hate ur DH so much during pregnancy, ur bb will look like him.. For etc, my cousin who had an argument with her MIL during her pregnancy den ar wen she gave birth to her DS, he looks like his granny lor.. hehe.. Funny hor:tlaugh:

May we hv the joy soon.. I envy my cousins n friends who r enjoying their moment with their bbs..


i find tat those in-laws generally tink getting preggie is as easy as ABC loh....

helo, we'r NOT in the same generation...how can u compare last time n now ?????? last time, did they suffer the same stress level ??? my in-law stay at home n shake legs de loh (housewife laaaa)......where got stress ??? dun need to face boss's face....

they keep saying, last time we nv see gynae, oso can get preggie....ZzzZZZzZZZZZZzZZZ.......

smtimes hor, i was tinking inside my heart, u like kids so much, then u go get preggie again laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

:X **me very bad de hor...LOL~**

Yest my granny n auntie came to my hse to gv me something n sat down for awhile.. She ask me if i plan to have a kid n i say yes but still no news yet.. Then my auntie who got married for 5 yrs n got 1 precious son joint in our conversation.. She say she understd hw i feel n moreovr i love kids so much n she assure me tt my kids will be lucky to hv me.. She told my granny to compare during my granny's time n now, y issit during last time people hv many many children n easy to strike n now people r trying all sorts of medical treatment to strike, my granny jz dunno how to answer n my aunt's answer is tt last time wiring cable use to be abv us which nvr pulls dwn our fertility n nw the wiring cable r all underground which affect n pull dwn our fertility(only for those who r nt strong enough).. Hope u get what it means..
have! i have a few aunties not married and relatives whom are married but no children. Even in my office, there is quite a number of them married for so long but no children. they just carry on with their life as usual and their interests lor. lol....... but whenever they heard of pple asking them "why dont have kids?". they will feel upset lor. some of them are due to health problems and others had already decided not to have. Some of my friends also decided not to have also at my age 29 oredi!
hahaha, lawla12! that's a GREAT thoughts lah. hehehe...

let's think it positive! maybe it's God's arrangement to test out our patience and hidden love for our hb and family. maybe it's just waiting for the right time in our life to appear so that we will know to treasure when our kids come into our life.

let's brave all the woes tog in here!


hi, i'm new on this thread and saw some post on the in-laws & relatives who pressuring us for babies..

personally, my parent and my in-laws din pressurize us for it. until my young SIL got pregnant lately and have to get married... my hubby is the only son in the family and i do understand tat my MIL is getting anxious...

but i do feel lucky that my MIL is very good... she did ask me to go and pray and see doc but at the same time, she also console me and helped me relaxed on this issue...

she do understand this situation as my eldest SIL only got pregnant aft 3 yrs of marriage but i already got married for 2.5 yrs and only ttc for the pass 6 mths or so...

i also got a case whereby our friend got preggie and kind of show off in front of us. seriously, i do feel heart-broken when heard this news but i stood strong that whole nite with them. but end up that she have to terminate her preggie as baby's heartbeat stopped at wk 6. i do feel sad for her eventho wat she did to me.

i had actually given up hope and was thinking to adopt one if confirm dun have a child aft few yrs. i've seen gynae who said i got a cyst but is not blocking my ovulation. this week is my ovulation week and hope that i will strike bah...

gals, dun feel stressed.. relaxed and dun think abt makin babies when doing the stuff.



hi, i'm new on this thread and saw some post on the in-laws & relatives who pressuring us for babies..

personally, my parent and my in-laws din pressurize us for it. until my young SIL got pregnant lately and have to get married... my hubby is the only son in the family and i do understand tat my MIL is getting anxious...

but i do feel lucky that my MIL is very good... she did ask me to go and pray and see doc but at the same time, she also console me and helped me relaxed on this issue...

she do understand this situation as my eldest SIL only got pregnant aft 3 yrs of marriage but i already got married for 2.5 yrs and only ttc for the pass 6 mths or so...

i also got a case whereby our friend got preggie and kind of show off in front of us. seriously, i do feel heart-broken when heard this news but i stood strong that whole nite with them. but end up that she have to terminate her preggie as baby's heartbeat stopped at wk 6. i do feel sad for her eventho wat she did to me.

i had actually given up hope and was thinking to adopt one if confirm dun have a child aft few yrs. i've seen gynae who said i got a cyst but is not blocking my ovulation. this week is my ovulation week and hope that i will strike bah...

gals, dun feel stressed.. relaxed and dun think abt makin babies when doing the stuff.


Didi they mention anything bout it(cyst), like will they take into consideration to do surgery on it??


talkin bout tis hor, u guys wanna hear my sad n feelin dwn story... I was admitted in KKH on Saturday night n was discharged yest.. Aft discharged my DH n i went dwn to the kopitiam to hv our meals.. While im enjoying my meals my DH went to get a drink n saw he's friend with he's friends wife who r goin for a labour soon.. They r married a week b4 us n goin to c their joy soon.. He's friend's wife sat n talk to me about how anxious n nervous she's gonna be in a while for the induce.. I was thr jz dunno wat to say n jz gave her the moral support n words of encouragement but deep in me i felt heartbroken n imagine if both me n DH r super duper fertile come to think of it i tink i might be waitin for the time as well to pop out:eek:10::eek:10::eek:10:
Oh man!!! Yes yes yes, I can imgaine how you feel because I know I will feel the same way too. When will it be our turn??????????????????????????