2 weeks wait


i did went to normal gynae for checkup before and detected that i have a cyst. my hubby doesn't want me to do operation or take medication to remove that cos doc say not dangerous and not blocking so still have chance to conceive...

that's all i know of my condition...

but for a year since last visit of the gynae, i still have no news yet... finally that my hubby agrees to see traditional chinese medicine for our condition, so just went to a traditional chinese medicine who's open on sunday which happens to know that eu yan seng at jurong east opens on sunday...

i went to eu yan seng at jurong east branch... i told him my condition and as well as my hubby's... to sad that it wasn't he who detect...

was trying to ask if he's able to detect if my cyst have been smaller but he cant also.. asking me to do ultra sound to check ...

dont know if he's good anot as i only paid visit twice... but i think he's not that good bah...

do let me know if your traditional chinese medicine is good... i was thinking of switching if still no results..

Maybe you can go on a day when a female physician is around as she is more in sync with pregnancy.
I am also seeing a female physican at Eu Yan Sang.


Maybe you can go on a day when a female physician is around as she is more in sync with pregnancy.
I am also seeing a female physican at Eu Yan Sang.

hi Jal, is she good? where is her location?

my colleague told me that there's one TCM at parkway which is very good... cheaper than wat i'm paying now and always long q...

was thinking where should i go now...


ooooh.....i tink as long as the gynae never say anyting...i tink should b fine yaaaa...

why my gynae never tell me if i've or not ....:err:
hi lawla, maybe u dun have cyst at all? maybe u can ask your gynae on your next visit...

i got to know it when i do an ultra-scan in NUH yrs back when they told me it's not danger at all and can remove it if i'm still not conceive aft a yr try...

but still dun dare to go and remove that...


hi Jal, is she good? where is her location?

my colleague told me that there's one traditional chinese medicine at parkway which is very good... cheaper than what i'm paying now and always long q...

was thinking where should i go now...
So far, so good. I started taking TCM early May this year. She is based at Seng Kang. Too far for you I suppose? The queue moves very fast. I have been there a couple of times & I never have to wait long.


So far, so good. I started taking traditional chinese medicine early May this year. She is based at Seng Kang. Too far for you I suppose? The queue moves very fast. I have been there a couple of times & I never have to wait long.
yes, it's too far for me as i lived in extreme west..

i dun have to wait for long at this clinic as well, but got a feeling telling me that this physician is not good lor...

well, i'll still have to discuss with the husband if i want to change the clinic also... see wat's his decision bah...

wish everyone good luck wor...

muffin lover

New Member
justforgags, dont be upset. In fact, i understand a lot of men are suffering from such problem. My boss was sharing with me he had the same problem as your husband, zero sperm count and guess what? He is a father of two which he and his wife conceived naturally during a holiday on Star Cruise. My husband also has low morphology (meaning his sperms are 99% headless) and sometimes we are still joking about his "headless" sperms. You need to be strong and help your husband tide over. He must be feeling very inferior about it. But it's still not end of the world. Stress can play a BIG factor in such men's problems. Tell yourself, you got to brace up and help him and yourself to overcome all obstacles.

Give your hubby some tonics and dont stress him too much. Can buy GNC's vitamin Mega Men like Duhuh mentioned.
hihi... im a new member here...
can ask u hor.....yr boss got any methods or secret recipe for conceiving successfully???
we r facing the same prob now... dh sa tested zero sperm count!!
is the test accurate? what shd we do.......
can we have kids???

muffin lover

New Member
justforgags, i understand how you feel upset about your husband's problem. My husband's SA results was 4% also, i totally broke down and cant concentrate on my work. My husband totally broke down also. But after our traditional chinese medicine reassure us that it's a common problem then we actually take it less seriously. I think you will have to spend more time to prepare your husband's body in order for you to conceive. At least that's how i divert my focus into lots of patience and energy to encourage my husband. Be strong k? Can tell that both of you love each other a lot. Jia you...
u mean this is a common problem? zero sperm count common problem?
what shd we do now??
we are unable to eat well, work well, yesh, unable to concentrate well as well..
my dh tested with zero sperm count as well!!
can we have kids?
oh my god!
this is really......... unbelievable
we are not taking it well
we cant accept
sorry im not very good in my words...
im lost scre worried sad..... YET u know la, i have to be strong for my dh!
any solutions for us??


Well-Known Member
you mean this is a common problem? zero sperm count common problem?
what should we do now??
we are unable to eat well, work well, yesh, unable to concentrate well as well..
my dear husband tested with zero sperm count as well!!
can we have kids?
oh my god!
this is really......... unbelievable
we are not taking it well
we cant accept
sorry im not very good in my words...
im lost scre worried sad..... YET you know , i have to be strong for my dear husband!
any solutions for us??
haf u seek 2nd opinion ?


Well-Known Member
not yet ley
what do you suggest?
we are very worried scare fear now...
lost confused.....
yes i understand...its like double blow to u all if the 2nd opinion turns out to b the same results....

but i feel tat such ting, its always better to seek 2nd opinion........

dun tink too much dearie.....all of us r oso having diff problems........

its better tat we detect it early yaaaaa.......

btw, which gynae did u go ?

my bubby's hubby n my colleague's hubby r oso having tis problem.........my bubby went to TCM at jurong east for treatment...its abt 6mths le baaaa....the sinseh "tiao" his body...he did feel more energytic n there is slight increase in his sperm count but very very little.........

but, its better than noting rite......TCM will take a much longer time yaaaaa.....

my colleague's hubby is seeing the doc at glen E......his name is christian smting.....heard from my colleague tis gynae is INTERNATIONALLY known......alot of overseas patients go n see him de........its open at nite too....so u dun haf to take leave yaaaaaa......ur boss oso wont suspect anyting too.........

do let me know if u need the infor....i can help u to check wif them


you mean this is a common problem? zero sperm count common problem?
what should we do now??
we are unable to eat well, work well, yesh, unable to concentrate well as well..
my dear husband tested with zero sperm count as well!!
can we have kids?
oh my god!
this is really......... unbelievable
we are not taking it well
we cant accept
sorry im not very good in my words...
im lost scre worried sad..... YET you know , i have to be strong for my dear husband!
any solutions for us??

Relax muffin lover, we r in the same boat=( Its not the right time to tell ur DH wat to do nw.. Wait till he calm his emotions dwn.. I noe its very very difficult to accept the fact but thr is always 2nd opinion n now my hubby is goin for a massage as advice by his dad n many food to avoid as well... Our gynae ask us to go for 2nd SA n its not too soon frm the first SA hv to wait at least 2 mths to recover frm the shock.. If u hv any doubt tat u wanna ask u may add me if u hv msn..


Relax muffin lover, we are in the same boat=( Its not the right time to tell your dear husband what to do now.. Wait till he calm his emotions dwn.. I know its very very difficult to accept the fact but thr is always 2nd opinion and now my hubby is goin for a massage as advice by his dad and many food to avoid as well... Our gynae ask us to go for 2nd SA and its not too soon frm the first SA have to wait at least 2 mths to recover frm the shock.. If you have any doubt that you wanna ask you may add me if you have msn..
Hi, can you tell me what are the food to avoid besides soy based products & cold food/drinks for your husband?


Well-Known Member
my AF came....my 2nd IUI failed againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...gynae say must do IVF liaooo



New Member

v have the same AF symptoms.. everymth my below pain.. i noe alr.. tt AF goin to come and my hopes all dashes..
Anway jus saw ur latest msg.. don be demoralised.. GOD might have other plans(i noe its ez to say, but hard to accept) i myself waiting for the same blessings from GOD.. i noe how u feeling.. haiz.. but who knows.. u might be preg without goin thru any treatment.. i've seen cases like tt also.. pray hard..

2day i gg to see my gynae to get my review.. since all the blood tests done.. i actually feeling extremely scared.. im silently praying no major probs inside me.. =(


Well-Known Member

very have the same AF symptoms.. everymth my below pain.. i know already.. that AF goin to come and my hopes all dashes..
Anway just saw your latest msg.. dont be demoralised.. GOD might have other plans(i know its ez to say, but hard to accept) i myself waiting for the same blessings from GOD.. i know how you feeling.. sigh.. but who knows.. you might be preg without goin thru any treatment.. i've seen cases like that also.. pray hard..

2day i gg to see my gynae to get my review.. since all the blood tests done.. i actually feeling extremely scared.. im silently praying no major probs inside me.. =(
planning to call the traditional chinese medicine....check when should i visit them (during AF time or after AF gone)..........

i not yet call my gynae to tell her......anyway, she sure ask me to do IVF which i dont intend to do it....i intend to do it in 2nd half of next year


planning to call the traditional chinese medicine....check when should i visit them (during AF time or after AF gone)..........

i not yet call my gynae to tell her......anyway, she sure ask me to do IVF which i dont intend to do it....i intend to do it in 2nd half of next year
Immediately after AF as that is the best time to absorb all the nutrients. This is what my physician told me.


Hi, can you tell me what are the food to avoid besides soy based products & cold food/drinks for your husband?
Try not to eat cold vege like cucumber or kang kong n make it a habit to drink hot drinks b4 goin to bed.. I myself still trying to to all tis n nt yet c any results=)

my AF came....my 2nd IUI failed againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...gynae say must do IVF liaooo




very have the same AF symptoms.. everymth my below pain.. i know already.. that AF goin to come and my hopes all dashes..
Anway just saw your latest msg.. dont be demoralised.. GOD might have other plans(i know its ez to say, but hard to accept) i myself waiting for the same blessings from GOD.. i know how you feeling.. sigh.. but who knows.. you might be preg without goin thru any treatment.. i've seen cases like that also.. pray hard..

2day i gg to see my gynae to get my review.. since all the blood tests done.. i actually feeling extremely scared.. im silently praying no major probs inside me.. =(
*cross finger* hope everything's fine..

planning to call the traditional chinese medicine....check when should i visit them (during AF time or after AF gone)..........

i not yet call my gynae to tell her......anyway, she sure ask me to do IVF which i dont intend to do it....i intend to do it in 2nd half of next year
Me too if everything doesnt seems to wrk we'll only do ivf in 2yrs time:001_07:


Well-Known Member
Immediately after AF as that is the best time to absorb all the nutrients. This is what my physician told me.
yaa...i saw from another TCM forum, its best to see the sinseh on the 1st week of ur AF cos u will need to consume the med once ur AF is finish...

tot of going down to the TCM tomolo.....

i called the sinseh....they r closed liao.....they r open daily (close on Tues) from 8.30am to 3pm....sun is until 12pm.....

if next weekend then go, i tink my AF finish liaooo....


Try not to eat cold vege like cucumber or kang kong and make it a habit to drink hot drinks before goin to bed.. I myself still trying to to all tis and not yet c any results=)
Me too if everything doesnt seems to wrk we'll only do ivf in 2yrs time:001_07:
Oh, I did not know kang kong is a cold vegetables & guys should avoid eating them. So females should avoid taking it too right? I am now in my 2WW but I think I already know the result. I have been monitoring my BBT every morning but I dun see a sustained rise in temperature... And I have also been feeling bloated & there are pimples on my face... Can bang against the wall liaoz... lol.