5 months baby refuses to drink milk


New Member
My daughter is 5 months 10 days old and very fussy about drinking milk. She hardly takes more than 120ml in a single feed and often very cranky to finish the milk and takes more than 90 minutes to finish 120ml. I can recognize she is hungry from her tongue movement and other symptoms shows that she is hungry, but when I put the formula bottle in mouth, she cries more and doesn't drink till I soothe her to a semi-sleep state and feed her. Surprising thing is when she is sleeping at night, she frinshes 210ml without any issue. But when she is concious in day time, she doesn't drink and at the same time she cries for milk bcoz she is hungry

We changed the tit and the formula as well, but nothing seems to be working. She takes longer time to drink and extremely fussy about milk. I also started rice cereal, but she only takes 2 to 4 spoon once or twice a day. I'm really worried about this pattern of my baby. Please help.”


Oh girl! *big hugs*
your daughter is EXACTLY LIKE MY ELDER BOY!!!

we realise that for my elder boy I had to make sure all the followings were 'in-place' BEFORE a 'better' feed can be done during day-time or 'awake-time'.

  1. the fan must be on, if he feels too warm, he doesn't drink
  2. if my arm is perspiring, his neck will be wet, that will make him uncomfortable too. So we put him on a 40 degrees leaning 'chair' with holes on the cloth (sorry I forgot the actual name of that chair), to feed him most of the time.
  3. because he takes so long to finish the milk, we CANNOT use the remaining milk after 30mins, cos the taste changed! It gives him stomachache and the awful taste remains in his mouth, hence even if we gave him a new bottle of milk, its the awful taste that he is tasting. So after 30mins, we clean his mouth with a cloth to remove whatever taste/residue, then we gave him a new bottle of milk. IT WAS A LOT OF WASTAGE! So we decide to give less at each feed, but more frequent feeds.
  4. Make sure his tongue is cleaned BEFORE the first attempt of feed. If his tongue has a layer of milk residue, then he will not feel like drinking.
  5. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT!!! Does your daughter suck on pacifier? For my son, yes, I don't know why and don't even know if its related, but he has lots of wind in his tummy. So 15-30mins before the first attempt of feed, put ru-yi-you on his tummy, it helps him to fart and hence the tummy feels better, he is in a better mood to take in the milk.
These were what I did. It worked 80-90% of the time. The other times, he is just temperamental. I do these, especially the ru-yi-you and the cleaning of tongue even for solid feeds.

Whatever that is stated here worked for me and my elder son, its not a solution-for-all kind of thing. Hope it may help you in some ways....


Well-Known Member
1568 mummy,

another possibility is teething. Remember my ds 1 week ago didn't wanna drink? he is teething lor.....

so fast, i was so shock!

Oh girl! *big hugs*
your daughter is EXACTLY LIKE MY ELDER BOY!!!

we realise that for my elder boy I had to make sure all the followings were 'in-place' BEFORE a 'better' feed can be done during day-time or 'awake-time'.

  1. the fan must be on, if he feels too warm, he doesn't drink
  2. if my arm is perspiring, his neck will be wet, that will make him uncomfortable too. So we put him on a 40 degrees leaning 'chair' with holes on the cloth (sorry I forgot the actual name of that chair), to feed him most of the time.
  3. because he takes so long to finish the milk, we CANNOT use the remaining milk after 30mins, cos the taste changed! It gives him stomachache and the awful taste remains in his mouth, hence even if we gave him a new bottle of milk, its the awful taste that he is tasting. So after 30mins, we clean his mouth with a cloth to remove whatever taste/residue, then we gave him a new bottle of milk. IT WAS A LOT OF WASTAGE! So we decide to give less at each feed, but more frequent feeds.
  4. Make sure his tongue is cleaned BEFORE the first attempt of feed. If his tongue has a layer of milk residue, then he will not feel like drinking.
  5. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT!!! Does your daughter suck on pacifier? For my son, yes, I don't know why and don't even know if its related, but he has lots of wind in his tummy. So 15-30mins before the first attempt of feed, put ru-yi-you on his tummy, it helps him to fart and hence the tummy feels better, he is in a better mood to take in the milk.
These were what I did. It worked 80-90% of the time. The other times, he is just temperamental. I do these, especially the ru-yi-you and the cleaning of tongue even for solid feeds.

Whatever that is stated here worked for me and my elder son, its not a solution-for-all kind of thing. Hope it may help you in some ways....