6 weeks old baby pooed alot, dun finished milk and cries alot


New Member
My 6 weeks old girl, pooed alot. Like 2/3 times per day, the diaper are like full each time.

I am feeding her 80-90 ml every 2/3 hours. Sometimes she finished it but sometimes drink only 40 ml. She cries alot and also wakes up 2/3 hours at night to feed.

Is she normal or should I take her to her PD?


New Member
My 6 weeks old girl, pooed alot. Like 2/3 times per day, the diaper are like full each time.I am feeding her 80-90 ml every 2/3 hours. Sometimes she finished it but sometimes drink only 40 ml. She cries alot and also wakes up 2/3 hours at night to feed
Is she normal or should I take her to her pediatrician?
hi mummy, poo I guess is pretty normal as long as it's not super watery stools etc. if you bf, the stools will be more watery than fm babies as well as it's easily digested.
do you burp your baby in between the same feed? sometimes, if the baby can't drink as much, it could be due to air in the tummy fr bottle, so you can try burping the baby after she stops the first time, then try feeding again to see if he wants more? personally I find this useful as with this practice, the baby hardly throws up some milk? which sometimes they do if I burp only once, after feed?
as for cries, after some time, one might be able to guess what the baby needs, whether it's due to wet diapers? hunger? warm weather? or discomfort of tummy perhaps? or does the babybwants to be carried? one of girl was so used to being carried and walk around by grandparents for 2 mths every night that when they left and we do not have that practice since we're working, she cries and want the same! she stops when we walk her around at night.
waking up for night feeds are common.it really varies fr baby to baby... my eldest actually wakes up for feed 1.5 hourly last time while another is happy with 3 times a night.

if you are concern, maybe you can check w pediatrician the next time you bring her for jab?
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From what you've described, it sounds like perfectly normal newborn behavior. The first couple of weeks (especially first 6 weeks) are the most stressful... they settle down after a while :)


New Member
hi mummy,

just to share, sometimes baby cry during feeding time, it might be because they want to burp, and you kept feeding them..stop awhile burp them then continue again, my son always does this, or even when he zzz after his milk, i tried many method then i realised its because i didnt burp him properly thats why.


Another way --- After burp , apply some ru yi oil on the tummy & back some on below foot as well.. ?( Still applying to my 20 month Son ) !!

When feeding try no facing the fan.. As what other mum say Maybe air inside tummy so drink not much also cry.