7 kg at 6 month going 7 month ..


My baby seem very tiny & small :( I always think it should be fine because all babies at different at growing rate .. But recently i saw a 3 month old baby nearly 4 month is more "chubby" than my baby i was thinking like what is wrong .. Then a 4 month baby same weight as her .. Should i be worry bout it ? She is gaining weight but not much .. less than a kg in 2 months...


Are both you and hubby the petite kind? If so, maybe your baby will follow. Are you breastfeeding or giving formula milk? The latter will make baby grow chubbier.. so perhaps the baby you saw was drinking FM?

Maybe it's good to speak to a Pediatrician if you are worried. They'll give good advices.


Active Member
Dont have to worry too much, as u said every child is different. Your baby is fine as long as he is active, alert, etc.

Fyi, Quan is about 7kg n he is 6.5 months now.


Well-Known Member
as long as she is active, eating well n gaining weight, no worries.
maybe those babies u saw were born "big" thats why u think they r big?
pin is on the "bigger" kids side n she hv classmates (boys n girls) smaller size than her, even those older than her.


Well-Known Member
dun wry... an average 1yo weight is ard 8-10kg. ur bb is 7kg at 7mth, i think is perfeectly normal. some babies are big and heavy while urs is normal size. ds gained weight v fast during his 1st year.. compared with other same age bb, he is consider big size. but i think he shd be the 'odd' one and not those normal size babies..
Mine is turning 7 months in a week time . Now is 9KG ...:eek:
The pediatrician comments that abit big and she is not even drinking much .
180ml 4hrs (5feeds a day)
Think she retains all the fats from the Mamil she is drinking .
In fact i am worried as she still cannot flip properly .. :embarrassed:


Are both you and hubby the petite kind? If so, maybe your baby will follow. Are you breastfeeding or giving formula milk? The latter will make baby grow chubbier.. so perhaps the baby you saw was drinking FM?

Maybe it's good to speak to a Pediatrician if you are worried. They'll give good advices.
Yup quite .. I giving formula now , when i bf her her weight gaining is fast but once i stopped , then lesser alr .. I start to give her porridge also , cereals ..


Dont have to worry too much, as you said every child is different. Your baby is fine as long as he is active, alert, etc.

Fyi, Quan is about 7kg n he is 6.5 months now.
My son is almost 20 mths and he's only 8.6kg. When he was 6 mths, he was also 7kg.
as long as she is active, eating well n gaining weight, no worries.
maybe those babies you saw were born "big" thats why you think they r big?
pin is on the "bigger" kids side n she have classmates (boys n girls) smaller size than her, even those older than her.
dear son is 6.7Kgm at 6months 1 week old.

Thanks all mummies for sharing , i might be thiking too much because i have been seeing lot of babies recently plus all weight & size different .. I haven been bringing her to baby doc since birth , all the while go clinic . Is there a need for a check up or something ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks all mummies for sharing , i might be thiking too much because i have been seeing lot of babies recently plus all weight & size different .. I have not been bringing her to baby doc since birth , all the while go clinic . Is there a need for a check up or something ?
i didnt bring ds to a pd just for checkup. usually only when he is ill or for vaccinations. cos during the vaccinations, the pd will check on him also. unless ur girl is behaving v restless, v unusual, if not can always wait till her vaccinations and get the pd/GP to check on her. =)


Well-Known Member
Aiyo, as long as your daughter is not losing weight and dropping off the charts, you shouldn't be worried!

Don't compare your child with other babies - you'll also find things wanting in many aspects. Plus big doesn't necessarily mean that it's good. Eva is also a small and petite baby but she's gaining weight, hitting milestones and very active plus loves solids as well as milk. I'm not worried at all.

One of my friends who is a paed nutritionist shared with me that as long as your child is following the weight gain curve, it's fine - doesn't matter what percentile group she's in. You only worry if they start acting lethargic, tired and they are losing weight to the point of dropping off the percentile group chart completely - it means that your baby is not thriving.


Active Member
I think your baby's weight is fine. I was rather worried about my daughter's weight as she seems so much chubbier than most babies are. She already weighed 3.66kgs at birth -.-"


really ? feel better after advises .. hope everything will be fine i'm too sensitive alr :X Thanks all mummies !!


Hi Verona,
No worries, my baby is also about 7kg plus at 7 months and he is a boy. From birth, he's been on the 25th percentile curve. My PD says he's a 'small' baby. I guess he's like me when I was a baby, small size, but come teenage years, I expanded horizontally by a lot!!!

I too like you have been worrying about his weight gain all the time. But since he looks stout and very active so I'm not as worried as before. In fact, he can crawl and pull himself to stand already.


Haha. My boy is 4.5 months old, and weighs 8 kg! he is on breast milk during the day, except for his last feed which is on formula. Gave him 160ml - 180ml, but he usually leaves 30ml - 50ml milk unfinished.