alrite to apply cream on face when pregnant?


Active Member
im currently in 1st trimester. before i was pregnant, my right cheek area has got some red spot, i went to c doc, he said is bacteria infection, he gave me cream to apply on the spot. unforunately , this red spot never seem to heal & i still carry on applying this cream on the red spot until now. im juz wondering iszit still ok to apply this bacterial infection cream now?


I think should be alright since the cream was prescribed by your doctor, whom I assume knows that you're pregnant? If he doesn't know you're pregnant then it's best to stop using it and confirm with him if the cream is suitable for use in pregnancy. As our skin is much more sensitive during pregnancy, rashes and spots are pretty common due to the sudden hormonal changes, so I think you shouldn't worry too much about the red spot as it will probably go away by itself.

Hope that helps!


Active Member
oh dear! i beta stop using this cream. btw the cream im using is called gentriderm cream. i tink i ve ezcema. it never heals & is frustrating!

the worst thing is ive been using this cream for quite sometime! oh no..i hope it doesnt affect my baby...o dear, im so worried!


Oh, so the cream is prescribed by a doctor who doesn't know about your pregnancy?

Hmm I guess u better stop using it until u clarify with him? Alternatively u may also wish to goggle the name of the cream and u should be able to find information about whether it's suitable for use in pregnancy.