Am I going thru miscarriage or period?

I was 1 week late. Then hubby and I had sex twice last night. And now I'm bleeding with cramps. If I was pregnant, I'd be 5 weeks. Shd I see a doc? If miscarriage at 5 weeks need to do d&c?


Active Member
u can buy a pregnancy kit and test , if ur pregnant even miscarriage now , would be tested positive still

if its sure tat ur pregnant , u might want to see a gynae to see how it goes , whether do u need d&c or it can be clear naturally by ur body ..

take care !


Active Member
if it's really miscarriage at 5 weeks, i believe no need to do D/C though doc will request for u to go back 3-4weeks later for a scan to make sure it's all cleared..

i had a miscarriage at ard 5 weeks 2 months ago.. test positive for 1day+, start getting menses like bleeding nxt morning.. test again, negative.. thn bad cramps start..
I had extreme cramps today. And alot of blood clots. The cramps come and go like when I miscarried at 10 weeks last year. But the pain not as jia lat. Anyway coming to third day of bleeding already. If still bleed after 6th day I will go see gynae. Then do pap smear as well. This may sound odd, considering I survived csect pain twice before, I'm actually very terrified of pap smear pain!