Announcing the Arrival of Isabella 16.11.2009


Hi all mummies,

I was scheduled to be induced on this day at 39 weeks, due to the possibility of baby having big head and me not being able to deliver vaginally.

Did all the admission procedures at 7am, and doc came in shortly after and broke my waterbag. Found that baby had done a poo already while inside as the water was green. Baby was still doing ok and not distressed yet. Started having regular contractions that went up to 110 on the CTG monitor, but didn't feel any pain, just felt the contractions to be very intense. I had the oxytocin drip put up after awhile.

Around 1/2 hr after I had the oxytocin drip, I started feeling pain with each contraction, and the pain just got worse and worse - my contractions went up to 50 and the pain was already so unbearable, I was beginning to perspire! Quickly asked for epidural, and they turned off the oxytocin drip to see how the contractions would be. Had to have the gas initially as the anaesthetist was busy in theater at that time. The gas actually felt good as I got all giddy and light-headed! (I have after-effect cravings for the gas until now! Think it is addictive) But the pain was still there especially if i didn't breathe in the gas quick enough. Finally got the epidural an hour later and felt much, much better with pain relief.

At 12pm, doc checked and I was only less than 3cm, doc advised to have c-section as we shouldn't wait too long even though baby was still doing ok in there. Honestly, I still wasn't mentally prepared at that time and started panicking and crying, I didn't want to go through a c-section! Doc was really good & calmed me down eventually, and we agreed to do c-section.

By the time I went into theatre it was around 12.30pm. Felt SO, SO cold in theatre and was shivering throughout, also because I was so scared! Felt EVERYTHING that doc was doing but no pain - even when he started cutting, I felt the knife going across here & there! Lots of cutting, prodding, pushing. I was moaning and whining a lot as I didn't want to feel all of that!!

Baby finally came out at 1.07pm, I had a quick look as I was still so shocked when they pushed hard on my tummy 3 times to get her out. She wailed a bit and then stopped crying as she was being attended to. I gave her a quick kiss as she was put on my chest, though I didn't feel good enough to hold her for long, so they took her away to be cleaned, etc.

Well to sum up, Isabella turned out to be 2.7kgs (not 3kgs as estimated!) and 49cm.

I haven't been able to go online too much as it really takes a long time to recover. Am feeling ok now at 6 weeks +.

When did you mummies resume your normal daily activities after a c-section?? Would ask doc but my post-natal checkup is not until 8 weeks+.

Sorry mums, I don't know how to upload pics here so have done it in attachments!



Congrats esta mummy!! U have a lovely princess :) Time really flies and our babies are now coming to 6 weeks, hee...
Isabella is lovely!

I had c sect too and resume activities quite quickly, even b4 confinement was over. Guess it's individual.

Rest well!



Princess Isabella is so sweet looking and adorable!! ^^

Do have a good rest during ur confinement period ya, especially u are having C-sect. Myself is also going thru C'sect and could resume to regular activity real soon. Avoid carrying heavy thing and squating down as this may affect ur wound badly.

Take care ya! :tlaugh:


Thanks all mummies!! Appreciate all of your comments!! All you mums have adorable babies too! So envious of those whose babies have grown up now! :tlaugh:

sufeit0115: Noticed your baby is around 6 weeks old too! Gave birth around the same time?

pinkpluspinky & kenxf_03: Did you walk a lot or lie down more? I was told by a lot of relatives to lie down more, so that's what I did in the first few weeks, but then at 4 weeks baby was crying more so I had to carry her more too, and found my wound still pain. But now ok already at 6 weeks. Feel 99% recovered....


Thanks all mummies!! Appreciate all of your comments!! All you mums have adorable babies too! So envious of those whose babies have grown up now! :tlaugh:

sufeit0115: Noticed your baby is around 6 weeks old too! Gave birth around the same time?
Oh yes i delivered via emergency c-sect on 18 Nov, how about u cos u didn't mention what date? :001_302: I also took quite a long time to recover, i felt alot of pain at my right side womb, maybe becos i also removed 2 cysts from right ovary....hee