Any courses to do while you're pregnant


New Member
Hello all mummies

Wondering you mommies while pregnant did any courses or something? like cooking course ? baking ? or whatever that suits pregnant lady ? :welaugh:

i have been taking up car license, but at CDC, booking the test/practical always 2 months later. it means i have 2 months nothing to do. i wanna take up some courses :)

so mummies, please share with me what you did while pregnant beside shopping and meeting up with friends :)


can go for some language class, or do some prenatal yoga, child birth classes(antenatal class)


Maybe can join Pilates or Yoga for pregnancy? Swimming is good too. But I never did all these cos working most of the time... Only got mood for masssage, eat and watch movie during rest days.


New Member
I join childbirth education class (antenatal class) which give me knowledge how to subside back pain, how to monitor yrself in labor, and taking care your bb after birth. it's quite useful for me and my hubby :red:


New Member
I join childbirth education class (antenatal class) which give me knowledge how to subside back pain, how to monitor yrself in labor, and taking care your baby after birth. it's quite useful for me and my hubby :red:
oh ! :) that sound great, where did you learn at ? TMC ?


New Member
yes.. i choose Thomson Medical Center since i'm going to deliver there
Oh okay ^.^ im going to deliver at mt A, but i heard alot pple going for tmc Antenatal course and Mrs wong (if i rmb correctly) is good .. i think most properly i should be paying extra for taking course at Tmc w/o deliver at tmc right ?

Hw much is e course and when is e best time to attend such a course?
Should be around 200 plus .. the best time should be after 20 weeks from what i see at the website. try calling Thomson ParentCraft at 6251 4090 for more information or check out their website : Thomson Medical Centre