Any medicine for flu n sore throat when preg?

Ya. I got flu 2 days ago but I went to the doctor today cos nv recover. Doctor say I caught some infection. Gave some mild medicines like what we eat when we younger. But I think cos I'm didn't eat much the whole day so just vomitted. Gonna rest now.. If tmr I'm still feling bad I will see the doctor again. Play safe. :) don't drag!! See the doctor soon
aiks, i did see doc n doc did give medicine, but i never take cox still worry.. (see doc js to get mc)

i just let it be and wait the flu recover itself, mayb 1 week time or more then recover itself.. flu at 3rd mth and 6th mth of pregnant...
Take the medicines dun let it recover by itself. Flu can harm our precious one inside. The medications given by doctors are safe to consume during pregnancy and it's usually not strong type. Won't harm us or baby. U leave ur flu to recover by itself more dangerous.


I also scared to take med despite doc given me some.. The instruction on the box is to take when necessary .. So I only take if I can't take the sick feeling..