anybody intrested to open shop or work for my shop?


New Member
Hi, i had joined the ecosway recently, they offer 'free' shops to females who wish to start a business.. Free meaning we don't have to pay for the monthly rental, renovation, and electrical bills, etc. I am still in the midst of preparing to open one myself, but I am also quite headache because of the long retail hours that I have to handle, and I am not able to handle it alone by myself, so I would like to ask anybody can introduce someone who can help me when my shop open? Maybe we can discuss on the working hours, but this person must be able to work the retail hours, (12 hours a day, 6 days a wk or something like this)... My shop will be likely to open sometime around Jul... if everything runs smoothly.

Anybody interested or can introduce to me ? Or is anybody interested to open one shop yourself ?


New Member
Hi MrsMorgan,

Thank you for helping me. the shop sells daily consumable products like household products - dish washer;mop etc; beauty products and many more

THanks again

Sharon Neo

New Member
If you can provide more details, then easier to consider:-

- type of biz
- location
- working hours
- any other info would be helpful.
