Anyone had VDAC?


Well I have not had VBAC but I might be a suitable candidate for it since my 1st born was Breech so no choice had to Csect but this No.2 baby is not breech and doctor says I can try. Im currently 37 weeks and just sitting around at home waiting for "it" to happen.

I've been given the admission letter to labour Ward by my Doctor... but he said that because of previous Csect then VBAC cannot be induced - ie. Gotta let the labour progress at your own pace. Therefore if you dilate too slow/ stopped dilating or your labour somehow doesnt progress, then gotta end up having Emergency Csect.

Then again, depends on what you want??
For every NVD (natural vag delivery) also got risk of going to Emergency Csect.


Tks for ur info. So everything muz b by natural no medication or anything? Will walking more helps or? This is my third child. 1st child was normal, 2nd was emergency c sect and coming one I wish for vbac, and my gynae say I can try.


Hi Jesskoo, you can still have the pain relief drugs like Epidural, Pethidine or laughing gas, but only you cannot be induced for the labour because the drugs used for induction will cause strong contractions which there may be a risk of Csect scar rupture. :)