Anyone know the cost of publish advertisement looking for spouse?



I'm a mother with 1 baby girl. I'm processing my divorce but my spouse when MIA and the law service need to publish on newspapers to find him and serve the notice.

Does anyone know what the cost of publishing advertisement on newspaper? I have checked on SPH but I'm not understand how they charge. Thanks in advance and appreciated. :)


Active Member
Just send it to his parent house, u dun need to bear this kind of cost, unless you make it clear B&W, he will be bearing all cost....


Hi, my so called soon to be ex husband don't have an address as he had been chase out of the house by his parents and his parents had sold the house and rent a room from others and his parents and me is not in a good relationship and don't want to disclosed of the address. I have no choice so i have to publish on the newspapers.