Anyone stopped work during pregnancy?


New Member
Anyone stopped work during pregnancy? Taking rest at home till EDD date?
hi piggy,

i contemplated to quit when i was having a difficult 1st trimester.
but hung on. things finally stablised.
i'm still working now in my 25th week.

am not ready to give up my job yet.
but might be different when my baby is here :)

is work very stressful? ur bosses know bout your pregnancy alr?



hi piggy,

i contemplated to quit when i was having a difficult 1st trimester.
but hung on. things finally stablised.
i'm still working now in my 25th week.

am not ready to give up my job yet.
but might be different when my baby is here :)

is work very stressful? your bosses know bout your pregnancy already?

Hi kokolove,

I also had a difficult trimester... Quit my job during my 2mths pregnancy...
Work pretty stressful... Always need to work OT... Partly because always sick
Cannt focus on work.. Made quite a few mistakes... So end up decided to quit... Just curious issit only me or a lot of pregnant ladies end up
like me quit job...



I didn't quit but was mk to be strictly bed rest due to preterm labour threat at week 26. So I was actually resting since sept till I gv birth in dec last yr


New Member
I didn't quit but was mk to be strictly bed rest due to preterm labour threat at week 26. So I was actually resting since sept till I gv birth in dec last yr
Were you bleeding at week 26 & was it considered hospitalization leave? If so, were you admitted to the hospital during that time? Thanks for sharing more...:)


before Preggy im alrd Jobless lolx.. Is quite bored to stay @ home till edd..
I agreed.. Stay at home everyday pretty bored.. Everyday I do hsework, read book, surf net lo.. Don't knw whether gt any part time job can work from home... Earn some spare cash... Hehe

I agreed.. Stay at home everyday pretty bored.. Everyday I do hsework, read book, surf net .. dont't knw whether gt any part time job can work from home... Earn some spare cash... Hehe

Haha ya lo.. Nw after confinement then rest few mth gt back to work better... I think end of yr nt easy to find job lei.. Mayb i will try next yr .. Juz nice bb alrd 6mth big ..


Haha ya .. now after confinement then rest few month gt back to work better... I think end of yr not easy to find job lei.. Mayb i will try next yr .. just nice baby alrd 6mth big ..
Ya I agreed.. End of he year find job a bit tough... Try during Jan2011 la... Think I will try next yr too.. My EDD is Oct10.. so maybe I can try looking fr job after bb 6mths too... :)


Well-Known Member
Quit when I got pregnant. Reason being envoirnment at workplace is not healthy for baby.

So jobless ever since. So far our plan is that I'll stay at home and look after our baby


Were you bleeding at week 26 & was it considered hospitalization leave? If so, were you admitted to the hospital during that time? Thanks for sharing more...:)

i wasn't bleeding, but was unable to slp for 2 nites though. the most slp 2 hrs then woke up liao, then felt very frustrated and anxieties. i decided to go kk on the 2nd nite n was put on CTG, only then then i know that i was havin regular contraction(5min interval). i didnt felt any pain but just tightening. Was in labour ward for 2 days to stabilize the bb with drip n injection after which i was push to normal ward with CTG on, cant even go toilet zzzz.

After discharge, i had to go for my jab every week to stabilize my ger, on daily medication and also on GTN patch(to dilute the blood vessels ard my tummy area to reduce contraction).Ya, was given HL till one week before my delivery, asked my gynea to break water as i don wan it to happen at hm when my hubby is working. So i was like away from my desk for 3 months and with my 4 months ML(i claimed 3 months first), i was nearly off work for half a yr.


Renzie what kind of job are you in previously? coz I'm working in a research field which I feel it's also unsafe for baby... but for the income I've no choice but to continue..

Will you mummies income be very tight since only the other half is working to support?


Renzie what kind of job are you in previously? coz I'm working in a research field which I feel it's also unsafe for baby... but for the income I've no choice but to continue..

Will you mummies income be very tight since only the other half is working to support?
Hello.. for me.. income will be a bit tight.. Need to control spending lo.. Cannt anyhow buy thgs....


Well-Known Member

I was in R&D. The air I breathe in everyday at work are probably more toxic than the air on the roads. Thus we are worried that it might harm the baby. My colleague was pregnant as well, and gave birth to 2 healthy children, and she continued working til she delivered. Just be more careful when you are working. Make sure to protect yourself from any spillage and fumes.

Lost of income on my side means tightening of belt, and cutting down on a number of impulsive splurges. Hubby and I calculated our financial status before making such a decision. Though it means I can't go out on shopping sprees as often as before, but it earn me a peace of mind in return.


New Member
i also quit my job wen i was almost 3mnths pregnant,now im 17 weeks preggy. i was working in nitelife so the smokin and drinking made me feel veri uneasy plus horrible ms. worst is bf left me soon aft i quit my job so now no support financially. also hopin to get temp or part time job to earn abit of income... but nobody wants a preggy to work for tem... plus i got a diploma in hotel management and quite abit of workin experience and good recognition also no use... anybody got lobang muz intro k... help each other...


Hi, i hv stop working since I know I am edd is 6 of very boring at home but I am so tired to go out.if I am out for 1 hrs plus I feel damn tired anybody here same like mi? I tink dat I zzz at least 13-16 hrs daily


Well-Known Member
I have stop working when i was about 7 months preggy... due to some problem at work... & i rest till now... my boy is now 2 mths plus already...but money gotta save here & there... because now hubby is the only one working & supporting us... u intend to stop working??


Well-Known Member
Hi, i have stop working since I know I am edd is 6 of very boring at home but I am so tired to go out.if I am out for 1 hours plus I feel damn tired anybody here same like mi? I tink dat I zzz at least 13-16 hours daily

haha.. when i preggy i also sleep alot & lazy to go out... feel tired very ez....


Well-Known Member
haha, yeah in my first trimester, I sleep alot. Can even sleep the whole afternoon away. Feel super duper tired easily. Luckily hubby was pretty understanding, just ask me to rest whenever I can. Just listen to what your body is telling you, if you are tired, rest more.

If you happen to be out, don't push yourself, maybe go sit and rest in cafes after 30 mins of walking around.

star star
Just take good care of yourself. It might be harder to get a full time job currently, as most employers would be thinking about maternity leave for someone who just start work with them. There are some mothers who work part-time/temp during their pregnancy then subsequent find a full time job after they deliver.