Aug 2008 MTB


Active Member
Hi Porukadotzu,

Of course I cannot be sure. It's just my gut feeling based on my firstborn's experience. My waterbag had broke rite on my son's edd back in 2005. My gynae also mentioned that I am likely to carry to full term as well for this baby. Till now, I dun feel any Bracken Hicks (stomach like cramps), my tummy is still high, not sagging. Baby Amber is still moving meaning my waterbag has enough water so less risk of not enough water. Also my gynae will be on leave from 080808 to 100808 so I also pray Amber does not pop on these dates. These are the reasons for my hunch!! Hee!

Have you gals booked your massage lady? How much is the package?
hi Doraemon,

I see, My gynae say My bb already enganged n i always hv this stomach cramps once in a while.. So do you think it means labour is near?

My gynae very weird type also, he seems like too quiet for a doctor haha.. if i ask him something is just like ask him for money like tat...

Ask him normally wat are the signs tat i need to be aware and when is the best time to go hospital .. and he say with a long pause after i voice out my question... "well if you feel the contraction then can go in already"... *roll eyes* i know tat ofcoz...

maybe next child i want to change gynae lah..

I haven't book massage lady yet... I read over some leaflet i got fm bb Fair few mth ago cost up to S$400 package of 6 or 7 times if i'm not wrong ( think i still hv the leaflet at home). Its an Indonesian massage lady.

but i also ever read in this forum about malay massage lady tat cost lower than tat.. maybe you can browse the old topics..


Hi Porukadotzu,

I remembered that you plan to deliver at MT A (same as me!) In case, we happen to deliver and stay there on same days, do sms me after you deliver so I can pop around to see you, mobile is 90401870. Pls quote me your nick else I cannot recognise your number or name. Else meet up after our confinement! I stay near Kovan. U?

If your baby's head is down and engaged then chances of you delivering is higher than mine cos Amber's head is down but not engaged yet. Be seeing my gynae tomorrow before she goes on leave, must ask her whose her relief gynae in case I pop when she's not around. At least know the relief gynae's gender cos I am used to female gynae. For my case last week, the conversation between my gynae and me is the reverse:

My gynae: Do you see/feel any signs of delivering?
Doraemon: Signs?? Like what sign?
My gynae: Like feeling very heavy....
Doraemon: I have always been feeling heavy...muhahaha!

Overall, my lady gynae is alright, just that her leave period is too near my EDD. hiaks!

About massage lady, yes there are cheaper ones such as $60 per session for 1.5 hours or $40 per session for 1 hour as in forum.

When we start to breast-feed our babies, must encourage each other cos it's not easy, at least where I am concerned...sleepless nights and effort to build milk supply.

Take care gals if you are really going to deliver and update us when you got the time and energy.
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Yumeumi: Are you also in Aug thread mummies of singapore motherhood forum as in Sylvia(yumeumi)? Just wonder if it's the same person.

wow! no one posted since I posted yesterday. Anyway, here's me again sleepless after a wink of sleep. I had gone to my gynae today and Baby Amber is 3.5kg (plus/minus). If she does not pop 1 week past edd (12 Aug) then I have to be induced!


Active Member
Yumeumi: Are you also in Aug thread mummies of singapore motherhood forum as in Sylvia(yumeumi)? Just wonder if it's the same person.

wow! no one posted since I posted yesterday. Anyway, here's me again sleepless after a wink of sleep. I had gone to my gynae today and Baby Amber is 3.5kg (plus/minus). If she does not pop 1 week past edd (12 Aug) then I have to be induced!
Hi Doraemon!!

I'm back with my baby with me..! hahaa

I hv delivered my baby Angelynn Tan Chng Xuen on the 8.08.2008 at 11:00 AM at Mt.Alvernia. Spent 2 nights there and go back home on the 10th Aug.

I managed to go thru normal delivery with normal shot at the tigh.. and managed to tahan without epi althou I almost nod when the kind nurse offer me epi..haha! :001_302:

Thank God I only spent 3 hour at delivery room, for me as a first time mom this experience surely will last forever..hehhehe

So how are you doing?? info us when you give birth!:tlaugh:


wah Poru.. u pop out oredi ah.. hehehe.. congrats on ur bb arrival.... wah... u do w/o epi...3 hrs only... tts great!! nt sure i can be like u or nt... aniwae, rest well & hv speedy recovery dear...:Dancing_wub:
Hi, im a 11 day old new mother, had my baby delivered on the 20.08.2008 at Mount Alvernia. I wanted a normal delivery but my gynae said that my bb's head was too big and had to induce labour on the 39th week. Who knows, my bb din wanna come out after 7 hrs of labour contractions and in the end, I had a C-section. Any other mothers whose baby was also born on 20th Aug?


Hi everyone here,

Sorry for the long silence!! I have popped too on 12 Aug and in fact 28 days confinement is ending on 10 Aug. Who is doing 40 days confinement here? I salute you :)

Amber was delivered naturally via induction and epidural. It was a painless and easy delivery at Mt A. She weighed 3.22kg, now she should be about 4 kg. I am tbf her via breast-feeding and expressing. I went through a hard time during the first week as had got mastitis without fever though. But now have recovered after taking antibiotics which still allow bf.

Snowhamster: Welcome to motherhood!! You may be shocked to have to go through C-section but most important now is you and baby are all right :)

Amber is my 2nd child so I am not new to motherhood but I do feel as kan chiong as 1st time mum where breastfeeding is concerned initially as my boy was on exclusive pumping for bm previously. So where latching on is concerned it is 1st time for me so I am very happy that Amber can suckle well unlike her brother.

Pokaradotzu: How's the going?? Having your full month party? I am not throwing any for Amber. Had done for Alden my son previously though.

To all the rest, take care, I am sure you are very busy with your babies to post!!
Yup Doraemon, it was actually more disappointing for me as I din want to have a scar....but what to just glad that baby and me are ok now. I'm into third week of confinement now and I cant wait for it to be over. I NEED TO GO OUT! haha...and the food is killing me...cant wait to eat fast food and laksa and satay, etc etc again!
I'm breastfeeding my baby too but we feed her formula sometimes when she is crying very hard for milk and we have not warmed up the bm yet...its faster to just whip up a bottle of formula milk. But its only either once or twice per day. Wondering whether to continue bfing cos having to pump out milk every 3-5 hrs is really a chore. Sigh.


Yup Doraemon, it was actually more disappointing for me as I din want to have a scar....but what to just glad that baby and me are ok now. I'm into third week of confinement now and I cant wait for it to be over. I NEED TO GO OUT! haha...and the food is killing me...cant wait to eat fast food and laksa and satay, etc etc again!
I'm breastfeeding my baby too but we feed her formula sometimes when she is crying very hard for milk and we have not warmed up the bm yet...its faster to just whip up a bottle of formula milk. But its only either once or twice per day. Wondering whether to continue bfing cos having to pump out milk every 3-5 hrs is really a chore. Sigh.
Hi Snowhamster,

Are you a SAHM? If you are, then bf is good for your child :) I do understand the drag of having to pump or bf every few hours. In fact, I dream of having a pumping bed if there is one when I have to wake up like 3am or 4am to pump. I am a SAHM with 2 children. I give excess bm to my elder one whom I had breastfed till when he was 8 months old. This time, I hope to bf longer if I can. I stay in Kovan. What about you? My confinement ending on 10 Aug. I also miss all the hawker food but if bf then cannot take coffee and some other restrictions, this is also what I dun like about bf...hee!!:001_302: But for our children, I have to give and take lor.


Active Member
Hi Doraemon,

been a while i didn't go write sumting here haha.. yeap i'm first time mummy so kinda very super busy to take care my baby. how are you doing now?
my dd now grown abit bigger now.. she weigh 4 kg (birth 2.71kg).. and longer by 2cm after all the kicking and stretching...hehe.
she got jaundice but after 2 days in phototeraphy she can go back home with me, but turns out the jaundice hike again after another 3 days so the lady doctor ask me to go mt Alvernia for phototeraphy again.. then after 3 days then she can go back once again. after tat i put her under morning sun..
but not anymore after she got heat rash coz i'm so kiasu put her under the sun too long haha.. her cheek so redish and got pimples... went to see doctor and he say its normal for baby to develop pimples after few weeks fm birth its a hormonal thing.
o ya, my sis told me to buy the SebaMed baby face cream to reduce and prevent the rash/redness from milk and it works out very good.. my baby's face turns normal after few days..
i'm still applying thou coz when i breastfeed she likes to toss her head left and right so the milk got on her cheeks and chin..

oya, i already take my baby Angel for her 2nd Hep B shot, have you??

The one month celebration quite fun, coz my daughter the 1st great grandchild of my father inlaw's mother so she looks quite touched and happy hehe.. so i dunno if we got 2nd child going to celebrate too or not haha.. maybe same as you..


Active Member
Yup Doraemon, it was actually more disappointing for me as I din want to have a scar....but what to just glad that baby and me are ok now. I'm into third week of confinement now and I cant wait for it to be over. I NEED TO GO OUT! haha...and the food is killing me...cant wait to eat fast food and laksa and satay, etc etc again!
I'm breastfeeding my baby too but we feed her formula sometimes when she is crying very hard for milk and we have not warmed up the bm yet...its faster to just whip up a bottle of formula milk. But its only either once or twice per day. Wondering whether to continue bfing cos having to pump out milk every 3-5 hrs is really a chore. Sigh.
hi snowhamster!
i'm an august mom and had my delivery at Mt. Alvernia too, but bit earlier than edd was on the 27th aug and turns out bb want to go out to see the china olympic opening.. :001_302:
went to a normal delivery with gas and normal anaesthetic shot on my thigh since my bb size not so big, and i get to feel what is the worst pain a women can get hahaha...if i remember bout it again i got shivering! oh man!

my baby was suplement since at hospital too, at first i want to exclusively BF, but my hubby so worried baby didn't get enough milk coz when i pump out the colostrum only come out like 10 - 15 ml.. and the baby kept crying .. so he told me to go and ask the nurse to give dd fm as a supplement, i also keep pumping my milk out thou. But when i tink about it again its actually normal thing and bb won't get hungry coz they got food supply b4 they were born.

now i still pumping and milk come out ok lah... but i feed her formula milk atleast 2x a day.. or when we're going out somewhere coz if i express bm i'm so afraid the milk will gone bad after several hour.
in the afternoon normally i bf her directly coz she will fall asleep very long during that. at night i express milk again or if too sleepy i bf her directly. i found that lying down side by side with bb is more suitable coz bb can sleep better.. but sumtime need to wake up and burp her otherwise she's spitting the milk out again..


Hi Pokaradotzu and Snowhamster,

How are you gals? Thanks for leaving a note here for me :)

I have brought Amber for the first 6 in 1 injection at Healthway Medical Centre in Hougang Mall. Reasonable charges for package at $306 excluding gst for 3 doses of 6 in 1 and Measles, Rubella shot (15 months old). GP consultation fee included.

Pokaradotzu: I am glad that Angel is cleared of her jaundice. Amber also had some pimples hopefully will clear away. She is kind of dark complexioned compared to my son, am praying for miracles.

I have also shaved her at full month so she is slowly growing her hair again.

I can't survive without the electric yaolan. It helps me with taking care of both of my children. I am also pumping. Yes, snowhamster, I know it's a hassle to do it. especially the past midnite hours, so tired but must drag myself out of bed. The plus point is I give my excess bm to my 3 yr old son, Alden. Luckily, he drinks it willingly!! :Dancing_wub:

Take care you gals, hear from you soon.
Wow, its been a long time since i last came in here to reply....hi ladies again....Ive gone back to work and am putting my gal in infant care. Yes, my heart very pain but no choice....i tried every means and ways. I employed a maid but she din really know how to take care of my gal. So i returned the maid. Next, I found a nanny but she also could not tahan as i needed someone to take care a few nites for me too. Cos im working. So in the end i chose infantcare. and my mum helps me with some nites too. So far so good. I try to spend as much time as i can with my gal during the weekends. She seems quite ok. Im a bad mother am i? Sigh.


Well-Known Member
Hi, im a 11 day old new mother, had my baby delivered on the 20.08.2008 at Mount Alvernia. I wanted a normal delivery but my gynae said that my bb's head was too big and had to induce labour on the 39th week. Who knows, my bb din wanna come out after 7 hrs of labour contractions and in the end, I had a C-section. Any other mothers whose baby was also born on 20th Aug?
Hi,i'm quite new to this forum...We got the same delivery due on 29/08/2008 bt got bad contraction n give birth on 20/08/2008..normal....


Active Member
hi all, so how's yours 3mth old babies now?? hehehhe

my baby Angel keep putting her hands into her mouth and now she can babble high pitch voice (like wanna cry but wanna laugh all in the same time)....
today she's been a good girl but in the afternoon cry alot untill my MIL gave her this chinese herbs in powder say it will calm her down... i really dunno what it is... i wonder is it save????? i'm so worrier now...

anyone ever give tat sort of herbs to baby?!?!


hi all, so how's yours 3mth old babies now?? hehehhe

my baby Angel keep putting her hands into her mouth and now she can babble high pitch voice (like wanna cry but wanna laugh all in the same time)....
today she's been a good girl but in the afternoon cry alot untill my MIL gave her this chinese herbs in powder say it will calm her down... i really dunno what it is... i wonder is it save????? i'm so worrier now...

anyone ever give tat sort of herbs to baby?!?!
Hi Porukadotzu,

I am so happy to see that you still post here despite it being a month ago post! Hee! Amber is 4 months old now (today in fact). She likes to put her fist in her mouth just like your daughter. About that chinese herb, I have heard about it before, think it's called "jin feng shan", don't worry it's ok. :001_302:
Amber sleeps through the night after her full month so she is a good baby to care for. Alden my son was not like that. He woke up every 3 hourly type. She can do a 180 degree turn and turn her head. She can lift up her head when put her lying face down.

Snowhamster: It's not easy to have to put your child in infant care but I often admire mummies who are at least comfortable to do that. It's pretty expensive too.


Hi Porukadotzu,

I am so happy to see that you still post here despite it being a month ago post! Hee! Amber is 4 months old now (today in fact). She likes to put her fist in her mouth just like your daughter. About that chinese herb, I have heard about it before, think it's called "jin feng shan", don't worry it's ok. :001_302:
Amber sleeps through the night after her full month so she is a good baby to care for. Alden my son was not like that. He woke up every 3 hourly type. She can do a 180 degree turn and turn her head. She can lift up her head when put her lying face down.

Snowhamster: It's not easy to have to put your child in infant care but I often admire mummies who are at least comfortable to do that. It's pretty expensive too.
I see Snowhamster and Sylvia have appeared in singapore motherhood forum :) I am also there but with different nick :)
It's been two months since I put my baby gal in infantcare and she is doing well there but sometimes I wish that I can really stop working and take care of her myself. But now with the economic crisis and all, I cant do that. My girl is really really cute. Mummies, have you spent time just looking at ur baby sleep and marvel at how cute he/she is? My husband says that im crazy cos i can sit beside her on the bed and just look at her sleepin for ages. Hahahaha....I can't wait for her to start on solids. Am waiting till around 6 months before I will start...I stopped bfing already cos no more milk. My bb can roll from her back to front but not from front to back yet.


It's been two months since I put my baby gal in infantcare and she is doing well there but sometimes I wish that I can really stop working and take care of her myself. But now with the economic crisis and all, I cant do that. My girl is really really cute. Mummies, have you spent time just looking at ur baby sleep and marvel at how cute he/she is? My husband says that im crazy cos i can sit beside her on the bed and just look at her sleepin for ages. Hahahaha....I can't wait for her to start on solids. Am waiting till around 6 months before I will start...I stopped bfing already cos no more milk. My bb can roll from her back to front but not from front to back yet.
Hi Snowhamster,

I can understand what you mean by you can stare at her for ages! hee! For me, I am very glad that Amber is a smiley baby. She brightens up my day :) I understand that you are over at singapore motherhood forum. See you there!!