Automatic sarong swing

[HR][/HR]Any mummy use automatic sarong swing for your newborn?

if so, when do you start using and when do you stop using?

and why did you use it?

Do you think it is a good idea to use it?

is there any health hazard for baby using it?


New Member
I use it when bb is ard 3weeks old. Actually it's my MIL who wanted to use it, though I din wanna start till she's older.

Till now, she's 3 mth old. Still using it. It helps her sleep better so we no need carry whole day. Use it normally during day time as cot is quite hot n she can't sleep long. Night time will let her sleep in cot in air con room.

At first had a lot of worries using it. Scared not safe, or bb too used to it... But somehow I juz din wanna fight with my MIL. She said can sleep longer, head shape will be nicer too. True enough, she had longer sleep, more well rested n growing well lohz.

But make sure the sarong is well tied. To be extra careful, can place mattress under the sarong (but I din) as my fren had an experience when the whole thing fell out. But tat's becoz her 10mth old too active and somehow wriggle her sarong off the hook. So I made sure I got extra rope to tie in case it came off the hook but will still remain hanged.
Thanks celz.

so baby won't suffocate in sarong if they turn too much? Do you know how long they can use the sarong until?

do you keep the swinging on all throughout sleeping time? My cf lady says don't as it is not good. She says just swing till sleep then turn it off.

does your bb get bad dreams sleeping in swing? My first boy will scream in his sleep when he slept in sarong, having night terrors or what I don't know, not sure if that's due to sarong or just bb development.

my 3 week old sleeps a lot. We use pacifier (finally found one he quite like and accept) sometimes. Most times he nurses on my right boob to lull off to sleep (left side recovering from mastitis), carry and pat (tried not to stand tried not to rock) no major issues making him sleep at the moment, but cf lady says with sarong better, he will sleep better.

i honestly can't see any point of using sarong right now cos he sleeps well and doesn't take a lot of trouble to get into sleep.

what do you reckon?


New Member
Mine is the one with holes... So won't suffocate ba.. Not sure can use till when though. Seen my frens girl using till 1 year old now n she's still with it...

I used to turn the swing off when she's sound asleep, but sometimes I'm napping as well or busy with some other stuff so let it run... So far no issues. Hehe

My bb din have any bad dreams. Slept better in it compared with her cot/ our bed. But since yours not having any trouble sleeping, why not stay status quo. Mine needs to carry n pat n as she grow, it's heavier too. That's when the sarong comes in handy. Hee hee


New Member
My 3 month old baby slept in automatic sarong since he was a month old. He sleeps in it at night with it turned on too.
bad habit i know but he is quite a fussy baby since young so no choice.

So far he is growing and developing well. And yes he does sleep longer in it but 1 problem is i have to sway him to sleep when we are outside.

Celz, yes we are remaining status quo ATM cos my little prince is so sleepy he doesn't really need one yet..ours has the solid cloth rather than netting.
I let my elder son sleep in the auto sarong when he was about 3 mths (before I go back to work). cos at 3 mth plus, it was difficult to put him to sleep as he would want to be carried and in motion before he dozed off. I actually din like the idea of a sarong but then cos my in laws are the ones taking care of him, i had no choice. so, we got the sarong for him just before my maternity leave ends and he had his naps in the sarong in the day till he turned 2 and a half. One fine day he just decided that he din want the sarong anymore and slept with us in the bed in the day.

One advantage of the auto sarong (tho i must admit i was quite happy with the sarong after using it) is that child can sleep longer inside (therefore beta in that sense). when they sleep more, their brains dev more. It is thought that their brain dev as they sleep. so the longer they sleep, the smarter they are. Another advantage is that like for my son, when he was sick or cranky and din want to sleep, once in the sarong, he auto zzz and get the rest he needed to recover.

I also got the cloth with lots of holes too. wont suffocate and is cooler.

We left the motion on till he wakes up by himself. at first i was protesting against it. my idea was to let it swing and once he zzz, turn off the motion but then my in laws kept it on till he woke up. if there is swing, he could sleep like 3-4 hours in the day. so far, i dun think he suffers any brain damage or what from that.

but i believe not putting baby in sarong too early when they are still young and neck still not strong enough.