Baby Antibacterial Body Wash


Hi Mummies,

the infant care my son is attending has a recent case of HFM - 3 out of 10 babies got it already.

I am doing what i can to prevent my son from getting it AGAIN.

In the long run, would like to purchase antibacterial body wash to leave it in school for his daily bathes. Does any one know of any brands suitable for baby?

Worried brands like dettol or life bouy is too harsh on their delicate skin.



Well-Known Member
Actually, I don't know how much antibacterial soap will help. The HFMD is a virus actually. My family doc said that washing hands properly with a soap will kill the bacteria, actually don't need to use antibacterial soap.


Oh.. really?!! Then will have to ensure teacher washes his hands as frequent as possible. thanks!