baby dun wanna drink water and reject drinking from bottle


New Member
hi all mummies,

i have started introducing solid foods to my breastfed baby but he dun wanna drink water, can provide some solutions?

he oso dun wan drink water or fruit juice drink from bottle :(


Active Member
give him water after the solid food. my son don like water when we gave him at 6mths too but after eating some solid food, he will feel thirsty so he will drink.
My boy does not drink water from the bottle but he will drink from a cup. I bought those plastic shot glass size cup from ikea and hold it while he takes sips of it


I faced the same problem so what I did was to give him plain water frm his water bottle or use a straw.
How about giving small sips through baby spoon? Just a though - since baby is still being breastfed, is it neccessary to introduce water since BM contains 90% water?