baby first food..


when dear son just started semi solid, i will add 1 tablespoon of the creal into an empty n clean bowl, then add some milk into it. since your baby just started semi soild, the texture should be smooth and watery. there is no standard guideline of hw much FM to hw many spoon of cereal. cos the texture they need is diffe as they grow older.i slowly make the texture not so watery as he grow older. =)
okie okie,tks..starting to give my son next week...kinda nervous,hope he will like it..hehe...


anybody looking for infant formula? I have Bellamy organic infant formula stage 1 for sale. All hand carried from Australia while I was there. My own baby drank it and he is nearly 5 months plus so I am moving to stage 2.

Selling at $35 per tin (900gm). Expiry 2018