Baby five month old still using Avent no.2 teats?


New Member
Have tried moving on to no. 3 teats but bb will fuss n stop drinking. As soon when i replace back to no. 2 she continue to finish the bottle.

Was wondering if this is normal or will there be any side effects if continue using no. 2. Currently she took 15mins to finish 230ml when on no. 2 teats.

Anyone out there to share ur experience.

cn naz

I am not using avent, but my 15 month old baby still uses nipple level 3 which is for 6+ months. Tried to use level 4, for 9+ months, but she stopped drinking halfway and the milk will spill out from her mouth. I went back to using level 3.

So i think it's best to use whichever suits your baby's need.