Baby gal nv poo for long time-help


If she's over 6months and taking solids already, you can include things like papaya, flexseed or wheatgerm in her diet. You can give her water too. But not too much and not too near her milk feeds, else it might spoil her appetite.

If she's younger and on BM or formula, you shouldn't give her anything new. Just continue to monitor.

Just wondering, how long has it been already? I think for my daughter, her record has been around 7-10days.

Oh yes, if you're giving her formula, make sure you're adding the right amount of water and milk powder. Too much powder will give constipation. So check the instructions.


If fully BF without any solids or FM, then it's ok. My son's record was 14 days but when he poo, he gave a massive, VERY smelly explosion! Hahaha.. And he passes wind a lot of times if he never poo. Now that he is still on BM and solids, he poos once every 2 or 3 days.



my daughter 11 mths now n taking solids. I gave her papaya but still ng poo. She constipated few times alry..thinking to bring her see pd. she don't like to drink water


New Member
Well my son doesn't like water either so I put just a little FM in water to change the taste works !!

As for constipation you can try to give a little banana it is very helpful


Emily6600, my daughter is almost 11months too :)

Maybe you can try giving her water in cup that she likes (eg: fancy sippy cup with her name or cute straw cup with adorable prints).

Or you can give her very diluted juice? But do so only sparingly and only during meal times, as it might give her tooth decay.

You can add flexseed and wheatgerm to her diet. I read online that it's very good for constipation. Try add more fruits and veggies too.