Baby High Chair

Dear mummies,

I would like to get a baby high chair for my ds. Mummies where do u bgt yrs?can recommend?

Thanks lots:)


Well-Known Member
Dear mummies,

I would like to get a baby high chair for my dear son. Mummies where do you bgt yrs?can recommend?

Thanks lots:)
I bought the plastic white chair wif tray for Iggy coz easy to clean. It is lightweight so I will try not to leave him in it unsupervised. So far, he is fine wif it. I even bought a cushion for him to put around the seat in the high chair too. All bought in Ikea. Cheap and good. :001_302:

I u want heavy ones, u can find those selling in Motherchair, wooden type. :)


Well-Known Member
Dear mummies,

I would like to get a baby high chair for my dear son. Mummies where do you bgt yrs?can recommend?

Thanks lots:)
i had 2 high chairs.One was more for smaller kids aged 4 months onwards.Its those kind with soft paddings n can be adjusted to 3 over different sitting positions.This can be bought at places like OG or kiddy palace.Once kids were older abt 1 i got the Ikea one.