Baby on special formula


New Member
Any moms out there who has baby that allergic to cow's milk and soy milk. Hence have to rely on Similac Alimentum or Nestlé Alfare?
I am currently BF my 5 months old baby but we did an allergy test to confirm that he is allergic to cow's milk, soy, egg and peanut. Thus I have to eliminate this in my diet as well as he has eczema.
Doctor prescribe those milk for him to try but in KKH it is out of stock, and it takes 3 months to order! So any moms who is using those milk powder and where can I get them? Thanks.


New Member
Thank for the reply, lyra, but I can't buy anything from the supermarket shelves, have to order Similac Alimentum from the PD's clinic. That's the only source I know. And not cheap, 400g tin for $45. :eek:10: