Baby Sleeping Pattern


New Member
Hi Mummies,

My baby is 10 weeks old. She has sleeping problem since birth. But past 2 days its getting worse. She is awake at night and asleep in the day. Due to this, my mum and I have to stick to her sleeping pattern.

At nights, while sleeping she cries waking up for feed and doesnt complete her bottle. She cries very sharply n loudly as though she is in pain. Wonder if its colic. We ensure that her diaper is changed and she is fed. But she still cries.

Is it common that some babies sleep in the day and are awake at nights?
I believe helping her establishing a gd sleeping habit will helps others too.

Hope someone will share your advice on this.
Thanks :)

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
From 2nd month, my boy started crying badly from 2-6am. He'd cry even after a breastfeed and diaper chsnge. Hubby and I took turns to soothe him. He was a very gassy and fussy baby.

Ways that helped:

- tummy massage helped him to pass gas (baby's tummy's right to left, up to down, then lift knees towards chest)

- carry him tummy down and "fly" him like

- white noise: hairdryer noise helps him stop crying at times, then switch to softer white noise such as rainfall sound (CD track looped through sleeping time)

After he outgrew the gassiness, he stopped wailing at night.


New Member
Hi MieVee,

Thanks for your reply.
Seems like my baby is also in the same situation.
I've been giving her gripe water ( mixed in milk) and ridwind prescribed by doctor for her gassiness.
But that doesnt help much. She is currently taking Mamex HA formula.

Do you remember at arnd which age, your boy outgrew the gassiness problem?
Am waiting patiently, for the gassy thing to disspear. Hope it happens soon.

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
We didn't give any gripe water or ridwind because we knew the gassiness would last for a while. Prefer not to give young baby chemicals regularly.

Think the night crying due to gassiness got better at 4 months old. Just have to keep doing tummy massage and burp often to clear the gas.

But then he got fussy over teething and mild reflux pain, so cried again, but for much shorter periods. Just got to carry him upright and walk till he fell asleep.


maybe u wanna try letting ur baby slp on her tummy?
try to see if ur bb can lift up her head on her own. by right at this age, they can already.
my girl was alil premature but she slept on her tummy when she pass 1mth old.

my girl loves sleeping.. so from day 1, she didnt ask for night feeds. but I will wake her up and give her.
at 2mths old, i've stopped giving her night feeds. till now, she's 8mths+, no more night feeds. =D

try to make noise, on Tv, talk and play with her during day time. dont let her nap for too long. i always let me girl nap at about 6pm. then wake her up around 7pm.. then play till she's really exhausted, which is about 10pm, give her milk, den she's off to slp till morning.

have to slowly "educate" baby that day time cannot slp so much. let the sunlight comes in the house. then night time is for sleeping. once lights off, its time for bed.