Baby Weight At 3rd Trimester


WOW izanyzam, your boy so big!.. hehe.. i wonder my girl how heavy now.. Going for checkup this tue.. so scarre.. ehhehe..:001_302:
Hi felzdown...Actually im not worried that my baby boy is already this big...As long as hes healthy and moving around in my tummy... :Dancing_wub:


Hi esta...During my 34th week check-up,my baby boy is already 2.8kg...!!!! Heehee..Im more anxious esp since ive developed extremely high blood pressure..Hope everything goes well for the rest of our pregnancies yah..:001_302:

And is it routine for the gynae to check our cervix during the 36th week check-up??

Hi izanyzam,
I'm actually not sure if it is routine for the gynae to check our cervix in the 36th week, I'm overseas living in Perth, Australia and the gynae just told me that next week's checkup, we'll see whether baby will be coming out real soon or whether I've to wait another month (until edd 23rd Nov). He will also do a vaginal test for Group B Strep (I forgot what that is, but you can also check it up on I think that's the routine they do over here. I think some private hospitals in Singapore do check the cervix to see if you've started dilating?? How many weeks are you now? When is your edd?


cui_er, dont't worry about the size of baby, most importantly baby delvelops well and healthy. and it would be easier to deliver normally for you, baby can put on more weight when he's born

during 32weeks check up my boy already weigh 2.6kg, this worries me cos i want natural delivery and scared the tear would be bad down there.. sigh.. might need to be induced at 37weeks..

thanks gal, i not really say worried la, but had hoped for at least a bigger, say, 3kg or so baby cos everybody remarked my son was so tiny the last time. And i put on 20kg somemore, but he never absorb much. And i heard bigger babies are easier to take care of.

You gals the babies like all so "absorbent", haha. 2.6 - 2.8kgs and still got 1 month more to go. Jiayou wor!!

As for cervix test at 36 weeks, my gynae said he'll be doing it my next checkup so maybe it's quite routine?? Sounds quite scary though...


Hi izanyzam,
I'm actually not sure if it is routine for the gynae to check our cervix in the 36th week, I'm overseas living in Perth, Australia and the gynae just told me that next week's checkup, we'll see whether baby will be coming out real soon or whether I've to wait another month (until edd 23rd Nov). He will also do a vaginal test for Group B Strep (I forgot what that is, but you can also check it up on I think that's the routine they do over here. I think some private hospitals in Singapore do check the cervix to see if you've started dilating?? How many weeks are you now? When is your edd?
Hi esta..Oh yeah ive heard about the Group B strep test though my gynae did not mention anything about this..My next check up will be on the 2nd november and on that day i will be about 36week and 3days along...Im having high blood pressure and might be induced once i reach my 38th week..My EDD is the 27th Nov.. :001_302:


New Member
I have started my leave and resting at home (not really rest cos gotta take care of my active 3 yr old son :))

My checkup last wed (full week 37 or starting of 38th week) my weight gain= 14.4kg and bb girl weight=2.80kg ~ normal size.

Did my Group B Strep test last week and will be going for another gynae checkup this wed. My gynae will be checking my cervix for dilation (i will complete week 38 by tomorrow)

Really can't wait for my bb to come out, felt so heavy and lots of backache plus occasional braxtons. Also noticed that my discharge has turned a bit brownish, used to be clear/ off white colour.

Is the big day coming really soon???


Hi esta..Oh yeah ive heard about the Group B strep test though my gynae did not mention anything about this..My next check up will be on the 2nd november and on that day i will be about 36week and 3days along...Im having high blood pressure and might be induced once i reach my 38th week..My EDD is the 27th Nov.. :001_302:
Hey izanyzam, your edd is close to mine, mine is 23rd Nov. But many people who look at my tummy say will be earlier..they think my tummy is very low now. I have reached 37 weeks now.

But doc also says I too may need to be induced at 38 weeks coz blood flow to bb dropped a will still be earlier than due date if induced... Very very anxious now...scared coz checkup at 36 weeks showed no sign of dilation.... Hope all goes well for us!!


my girl was only 1.4 kg at 32 weeks, so she's really tiny.. going for 35 week checkup today, hoping that she's at least 2 kg now..


My baby boy currently weighs 2.65 kg at 33th wks... he gained abt 800g over 3 wks time.

Im more afraid tat he will grow v too fast n big coz i would prefer to have natural delivery. Maybe i shld watch my diet from now.keke :001_302:


My baby boy currently weighs 2.65 kg at 33th wks... he gained about 800g over 3 wks time.

Im more afraid that he will grow very too fast n big coz i would prefer to have natural delivery. Maybe i shld watch my diet from now.keke :001_302:

Oh if you afraid that your baby might overweight actually you can always check with your gynae when you go for check up... :tlaugh:


New Member
Currently i'm in my 30th week and my baby weighs 2.5kg. My gynae says its going to be a very big baby... :elvis:

My weight has gain only 4 kg since my first visit to the gynae when my baby is only 7 weeks...

Hoping to have natural birth but looks like its gonna be another c-sec...=(
Currently i'm in my 30th week and my baby weighs 2.5kg. My gynae says its going to be a very big baby... :elvis:

My weight has gain only 4 kg since my first visit to the gynae when my baby is only 7 weeks...

Hoping to have natural birth but looks like its gonna be another c-sec...=(
yup, you've got a big baby.. the weight gained by the mommy doesn't affect baby's weight. i think i know more people who gained less actually have bigger babies. so far i've gained 9kg and baby weigh 2.9kg at 35week, doctor said he's slightly bigger than average.

maybe can discuss with gynae about inducing?? cos if your cervix dilate 1-3cm it's possible to try for induction when baby reach 3.3-3.5kg rather than opting c-sect directly.


New Member
yup, you've got a big baby.. the weight gained by the mommy doesn't affect baby's weight. i think i know more people who gained less actually have bigger babies. so far i've gained 9kg and baby weigh 2.9kg at 35week, doctor said he's slightly bigger than average.

maybe can discuss with gynae about inducing?? cos if your cervix dilate 1-3cm it's possible to try for induction when baby reach 3.3-3.5kg rather than opting c-sect directly.
my first baby was delivered thru c-sec due to too big also. after having the 2nd baby, i told my gynae tat i want to try for natural thistime round, he says ok but provided that the weight of the baby is below 3.2kg to minimise the risk. but now he says this baby is likely to be bigger than my first baby...:wong29:

So very likely going to be another c-sec cos my hubby dun want to take the risk...


Hi mummies...I just went for my 38th week checkup today...My baby's weight is already 3.4kg...!!! Im getting impatient now wondering when i will deliver..Im not worried about my baby being big because my family genes are all on the BIG side...My late mum gave birth to my younger brother and he weighed almost 5kg...!!! Anyways,i love big chubby babies...More of him to hug and LOVE...!!! Hahahaha... :wong19: And what's most important is that my baby is very healthy..In fact he's been superrr active these past few days...Kicking all over inside..Maybe he too wants to come out..?? :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Hi mummies...I just went for my 38th week checkup today...My baby's weight is already 3.4kg...!!! Im getting impatient now wondering when i will deliver..Im not worried about my baby being big because my family genes are all on the BIG side...My late mum gave birth to my younger brother and he weighed almost 5kg...!!! Anyways,i love big chubby babies...More of him to hug and LOVE...!!! Hahahaha... :wong19: And what's most important is that my baby is very healthy..In fact he's been superrr active these past few days...Kicking all over inside..Maybe he too wants to come out..?? :001_302:
WoW izanyzam, your baby must be v chubby and cute!!
But if too big most likely u will go for C-sect? Coz my fren's had c sect when she deliver her 4.1 kg son...

Count down to your day in seeing your son... Update us when u gave birth ya...Is ur blood pressure under control now?

Take care... !


WoW izanyzam, your baby must be very chubby and cute!!
But if too big most likely you will go for C-sect? Coz my friend's had c sect when she deliver her 4.1 kg son...

Count down to your day in seeing your son... Update us when you gave birth ya...Is your blood pressure under control now?

Take care... !
*touch wood*...!!! Im hoping against all hope that i wont have to go for a caesarean but if thats the only way that my bam bam can come out,then i will gladly opt for it..I believe it depends on the mummy if she can indeed go for natural birth for a big baby.My late mum had to have caesarean for my younger brother but a friend of mine delivered her firstborn that weighs 4.025kg via natural birth!! Adoiiiiii......!!! :eek:

Thank God my blood pressure is stabilised now due to the medication my gynae has given.I have been on hospitalisation leave though for the past 2weeks.Its in my best interest coz maybe just the sight of my boss will make my blood pressure go up again..!! Haahaa..!! :001_302:

Yup now im resting at home..Preparing baby's stuff..Gets kind of boring sometimes being stuck at home.Wanna go out but can barely walk that much.Waddling like a duck.Feeling so heavy,aching and sore all over..*sigh*