Backache - HELP!!!!!!!

Sad 33

Hi all,
All along I have a poor back, that is I suffer from nagging backache often after I mop the floor. Today is 1 wk after d&c and even though not doing any heavy housework, but only washing dishes, I suffer again from bad backache. I'm not very active now and backache comes to me after 2 hrs of waking up. I dunno why....
I thot my diet was good enough, with 2 tablespoons of Dom into the soup I drink daily from tingkat services. Do u have any advice on food for backache during this confinement period? I hope to improve my body esp back for future...
Any idea if Can take HuiJi wasit tonic( contain chong cao, shou Wu, du zhong) now? Cos I'm just 1 wk after d&c.