~ Be careful of IKEA paper measuring tape ~


Dear Mummies & Daddies..Just a gentle reminder..

Please be careful when u let your little ones handle the paper measuring tape that IKEA provides for free..While they provide it as an act of goodwill to the customers..My little boy got his finger cut while playing with it..Mummy is to be blamed too for being so naive thinking that its just a harmless strip of paper..!!! :wong7:


Well-Known Member
in e 1st place, measuring tape is not a 'toy' for kids. next time just be more careful and dont give ur son such things. =)


Well-Known Member
uhm... any pc of paper can give a paper cut, even small bus tickets, so best not to let the young kids play with them. also, even if they dont cut their hands with it, they might just put into their mouth n chew on it when u r not looking. so best not to let young kids play with such stuffs.