Being allies to your child's teachers


New Member
Recently, I read an article about knowing your best allies - your child's teachers. The article mentioned many good points to take note of.

1) The Reggio Emilia philosophy states that the child, the teacher and the family are “inseparable and integrated” elements are essential to the educational experience.

2) Active participation is very crucial to the success of a child in school.

3) Parents must always make their presence felt, and learn how to leave the right presence.

4) Sometimes, the relationship between a parent and a teacher becomes sensitive, fragile and filled with judgement and misunderstanding.

5) Children are clever as they are able to feel the power struggle between the two important adults who can affect their well-being at home and in school.

6) Good children want the important adults to like each other, but troubled children want the opposite to happen as they know they can benefit from animosity. They would play one against the other to get what they want.

7) Parents will always be a child's first teachers.

8) Parents and teachers only have the same goal -to want the child to learn. Thus, work as a team, as allies and the influence on the child will be potent.

The percentage of teacher-parent interaction is increasing. It is definitely heartening to see that we are all ensuring the best for our future generation. :)