best primary schools


New Member
hi moms,

where can i get a list of the best primary schools in singapore? we will be moving to another place and would like to stay at a place near one of the best primary schools.



Well-Known Member
Best? ...what is your definition of best ? Different people have different expectations of something.

Are you looking at the percentage of PSLE passes and distinction ? Are you looking at schools that offer all-rounded prog ? Are you looking at schools with good value-addedness ? Are you looking at neighbourhood schools with very hardworking teachers ? etc....etc....

Once you have gathered those info, perhaps you can determine what is best for your child.

A rat race environment is just so stifling for me. :nah:


There is no ranking on school nowadays. so you need to check out their plse result via moe website.
yeap... diff ppl have diff expectations.....

to u might be good to others might not...

also, each sch have their own strengths and weaknesses.......

Also, if u want to move to a place nearer to the sch, please make sure ur address changed 1 year before enrollment....

some 'famous' sch, even if you are staying within 1 km, you might not even have the chance to get in...... u might need to do volunteer work 1 year b4 enrollment..... also, they might not even want so many volunteer... and are very selective.....

good luck in your search.


Hahaha...dont say best sch...jus normal sch....staying within 1 km also difficult to getting a place in the sch ar.....


Alpha Male
Best school as in those well know good primary school?
Competitor for good primary school are tough now.

But i think there are neighborhood primary school which are good too.


i dunno which are the best primary schools around... are u refering to River Valley etc?

Anyway my son is in Rulang Primary School, going P3 next yr, i find the standard quite high in this school, considering my son doing fairly well for his SA 2 scoring between an average of 60-80 for 3 subjects but still rank like 22/30 in class.... last 8!

but it's up to individual to judge that.... just my 2cents worth~


New Member
I think Rulang is consider high standard in jurong area. i wanted to sent my son there but unfortunely can't get a place although i stay within 1 km. I think it really depend on luck.


I think Rulang is consider high standard in jurong area. i wanted to sent my son there but unfortunely can't get a place although i stay within 1 km. I think it really depend on luck.
ya... or if ur hubby/urself was ex-student den u get priority... i was lucky as my Hubby was ex-rulang student.. so in future my other kids can get into tat school with priority too....

but if by balloting etc, from wat i know is usually after all the priority given up, the school is left with like 100 or less places for public to ballot... so it's very difficult..


yeah.... nowadays like very difficult to get into preferred choices of schools. competition tough, as mentioned, easiest is if parents were ex-students...

My cousin-in-law gotta ballot for CHIJ. Lucky her daughter got in, so pave the way for rest of her daughters.. :)
yeah.... nowadays like very difficult to get into preferred choices of schools. competition tough, as mentioned, easiest is if parents were ex-students...

My cousin-in-law gotta ballot for CHIJ. Lucky her daughter got in, so pave the way for rest of her daughters.. :)
not if she have a son at the end..... hehehe

Just like me... too bad I was from girls' sch and I have a boy


not if she have a son at the end..... hehehe

Just like me... too bad I was from girls' sch and I have a boy
tell me abt it, I had a fren who's staying near the top primary schools, refuse to sell her house, though she can make almost 60% profit. Reason, in case she gives birth to a son (mind you, she's not even pregnant yet), she can register him for the top schools. Zzz...


haha tt is so in so far to predict the future right.

I came from a neighbourhood school, yangzheng primary very long history and their standard keeps improving.

My DH was saying he rather see his child tops in neighbourhood sch den last few in good sch. Coz the morale will be affected. Coz we are once kids, so we know how bad that can be.

Well it depends wat u see in the school, some good for teacher, principal, environment or even reputation.

I was once a relief teacher in good and neighbourhood sch, i see drastic difference.


New Member

Think you can get info from the MOE website. You can do a search and get info on the better ones (maybe according to the awards received) School Information Service.

My son going pri 1 next year and likely going to Rulang Pri as well since I'm from there previously. Any comments on the school?
