breast feeding

I would like to know if I were to stop breast feeding but my breasts are engorged. Should i feed/pump out my milk still? Will that result in my milk production continue to increase/not stop?

How to stop breastfeeding?


Active Member
i do it the hard way. 1st day of stopping, only pump once. then drag to 2 days once then 3 days once. the milk will be lesser till you do not even need to pump. But very painful lor.
Does "cold turkey" means not pumping out any milk at all? If u do not pump the milk at all, then the engorged breasts will also stop becoming engorged? It will go away itself?


Well-Known Member
a less painful method will be to pump out your milk just enough to relief the engorgement. Just pump whenever u feel uncomfortable. Over time you will b pumping less.