Breastmilk is still the BEST!


Some people take DHA supplements these days because food today contains poorer sources of DHA. Fish in particular, has a bad rep with mercury contamination, we are told not to eat 'too many eggs' etc. And with all the processed food in our diet, good quality DHA is hard to come by - hence the need for supplements.
Even then, not all DHA supplements are created equal. So be sure to do your homework. A great deal depends on the reputation of the manufacturing company. Eg DHA from fish sources have to be tested for
purity and quality.
Finally, DHA in formula is really a gimmick. There are studies which track the cognitive development of children who take DHA in formula and those who took formula without added DHA. The control group was
breastfed children. They found no difference in cognitive abilities of children whose formula contained DHA and those who took DHA-free formula. BUT they found that both groups did lag behind the breastfed
group cognitively. So the finding is - makes no difference whether you put DHA in formula or not. And the best you can do for your baby if cognitive ability was so important to you - breastfeed and
breastfeed for as long as you can!
There are variables such as environmental factors. But the fact still remains that many studies do show that the link between DHA-formula and health benefits is inconclusive.
Ultimately brain food is not just about DHA - its about interaction and experience and response. So when a mother breastfeeds, the baby learns through touch, taste etc. All these experiences which seem
minor to us, help babies learn and develop cognitively, regulate heartbeat and blood pressure, full hormonal oxytocin output which builds feel-good feelings, trust etc. In the milk, the long-chain fatty acids like DHA do not operate in isolation either, but also interacts with the full combination of other long and medium chain fatty acids. So its not about just putting in DHA into milk powder and expecting it make a kid brighter - as they claim in those very irritating Grow ads. DHA is just one teensy part of the whole package.
What is clear that with the promotion and advertising of DHA-fortified formulas, breastfeeding continues to be undermined. Parents are misled into thinking that DHA-fortified formula boost cognitive
ability and visual acuity when in reality, there are no published studies that show any long-term benefits for children.
There are plans to make DHA, AA compulsory components of FM. One also has to ask: how do they put in the DHA and AA? What are the sources of DHA and AA used? Are these sources safe? Do they have side effects? What are those side effects?
Bottomline - Breastmilk is still the best!


New Member
Yep, I too find those ads to be annoying and all it does is trick the consumer to thinking that formula is an acceptable substitute for BM. >:-|


Yep, I too find those ads to be annoying and all it does is trick the consumer to thinking that formula is an acceptable substitute for BM. >:-|
NOTHING can replace breast milk as the contents are changing everyday!:tlaugh:



all doctors and health professionals recommend that,
it is the best for children.:wong19:



all doctors and health professionals recommend that,
it is the best for children.:wong19:
some medical professional i know are not for it. just some hiccups from the mother & they quickly suggest to wean or stop..............:shyxxx: