Breech birth/ecv


New Member
Ladies, is there any obgyn or hospital in Sg which does breech delivery or ecv? I had a c-section due to breech baby 3 weeks ago. Somewhat disappointed as I've been anticipating normal birth for months; thought if breech happens again for my next baby, I'd like to reconsider c-section.


Active Member
Sgh there is a prof who does it.He even tries to turn your baby ard butthat is dangerous and he stops after several mins.U can try there 4 got his name though check it out with counter staff if needed.


New Member
I've read somewhere that Dr Paul Tseng will try ECV and Dr Selina Chua does breech delivery.


New Member
Hi arrafah,

Breech for 1st baby may not necessary mean you will have a breech baby again. This is good news, ya! So don't worry too much yet...
If you want a natural birth in your second baby, you will need to consider first the risks of having a VBAC...
Did you do an ECV before the birth of your baby recently?
THe RCOG UK does recommend ECV for breech cases if natural birth is desired. But I have heard that it can be painful, uncomfortable and bleeding may occur.
I know few in Singapore will take the risk of delivering breech babies... perhaps C-sect is much safer now than decades ago. Also perhaps the current newer gyanes are not so skillful in breech deliveries... so c-sect is the way to go for most breech cases as taught in med school now.
Enjoy your newborn baby!