Bringing 9 month old baby to Bintan


Hi Mummies,

I am thinking of bringing my baby to Bintan next month, she will be 9 months old then. Just wondering if any mummies have experience bringing their babies to Bintan? Would need some advice.

1. My girl is still on breastmilk now. I am planning to bring my chilled EBM in cooler bag and hand carry onto the ferry. Don't want to check them in and have them throw my luggage and hence the EBM around. Are we allowed to hand carry chilled EBM onto the ferry? Do we need to declare at the customs both in SG and in bintan? The EBM are stored in 5oz bottles, definitely over the 100ml limit.

2. My girl is on 2 meals of solid currently. I have always prepared porridge for her and she is not exactly a fan of cereal. So I am contemplating bringing the slow cooker along to cook porridge for her. That would mean I have to bring along uncooked rice as well as the ingredients. Anybody know if there is any food restrictions at bintan custom? I am thinking of bringing pumpkin, potato, carrot (all uncooked and diced up/ pureed) and maybe some broccoli puree. Are these allowed?

I know some may advise just buy those commerical baby food to bring along. But im kinda worried that my girl will not take well to those food. And where possible, I prefer feeding her freshly cooked porridge instead of cereal/instant porridge.


New Member
Hi, I recently brought my 8 mths old baby to Bintan and to answer your questions:
1) Yes, you can bring food on the ferry and into Bintan.

Do note tap water there is not drinkable for both adults and baby. We had to bring 4 bottles of boiled water just for her formula milk and cereal. We drank the bottled water from hotel. Stayed at montigo resorts. Did think of bringing slow cooker, but was too much to bring. Hence we fed her bottled food and cereal.


Thanks! yeah.. im tinking for convenience I better buy bottled food and instant porridge.. just hope she's ok with it..