Brown rice bits in toddler's poo


Well-Known Member
Hi, this is a rather gross topic but yes, I noticed that my darling's poo has brown rice bits in it (she's coming 15mths). I cook whole brown rice grains in stock for her porridge for lunch and I notice that the husks come out in her poo. Anybody else experienced this too?


Well-Known Member
i never really look that deep into jumpy's poop since brown rice's husk colour not that prominent hehe. but then my mum says its normal to have bits n pcs of food that comes out undigested in toddlers as well so i guess its pretty much normal. so far i only see some spinach, brocoli and carrots bits in her poop cos their colour is very obvious hehe


Well-Known Member
i never really look that deep into jumpy's poop since brown rice's husk colour not that prominent hehe. but then my mum says its normal to have bits and pcs of food that comes out undigested in toddlers as well so i guess its pretty much normal. so far i only see some spinach, brocoli and carrots bits in her poop cos their colour is very obvious hehe
buahaha... coz recently she took antibiotics then her poo colour's more yellowish than brown so the brown rice husks are obvious... she's been eating it for months already but I only spotted the husks recently in her poo. Usually only see dragonfruit seeds or wolfberry bits if she eats wolfberries... hehehe...


Well-Known Member
same as pin! but i normally only see dragonfruit seeds n papaya bits.. other than that, i wont even see cos very stinky!!. cos only tt 2 is more obvious!


Hi Snowbear,
Don't worry too much. It's normal. My 7mths old bb also has brown rice bits in her poo poo. When she ate mashed banana, she has black thread-like stuff in poo poo that looked like worms. It's normal to find that their poo poo change as per what they eat...

If bb has diahorrea or constipation, will have to take note and bring bb to see pedi


Well-Known Member
Hi Snowbear,
dont't worry too much. It's normal. My 7mths old baby also has brown rice bits in her poo poo. When she ate mashed banana, she has black thread-like stuff in poo poo that looked like worms. It's normal to find that their poo poo change as per what they eat...

If baby has diahorrea or constipation, will have to take note and bring baby to see pedi
hehe. my dd so old already so i tot will be different from when she was a baby...