Building up milk supply

Missy S

Hi all mummies,

Wanna ask for your tips on successful BF...

I'm BF my boy for a month now. Since I will be returning to work after I clear my ML of 4 months, I want to ask ho do all working mums build up your milk supply.

If feed him via bottle, my boy is drinking 120ml each feed every 3 hourly. In the day, I will try to latch on as many times as possible. At night, my CL will help me with the feeding via bottle. So, is it advisable for me to try express out milk for freezing after each feed. As our breasts is never emptied but rather well drained, how much and how long should I express after each direct latch on?

Can anyone share your schedule on feeding and expressing your milk?

Lastly, my CL is going back this Sunday, so what kind of feeding routine should I adopt then after she leaves? All the way direct latch on? Or should I try to express out after my boy is done with his feed?


New Member
if u have CL still means your baby is not yet full month and already taking 120ml 3 hrly!??! WAH!

anyway. my boy is 3 mths old now. he is on EBM. Initially i had supply problems, i still don't have excess to stock up, so i am still working on pumping every 3-4 hrs. But i know that after each latching on, then pumping will definitely help to 'empty' the breasts so that new supply will fill up and will increase overall supply.

There is not hard and fast rule as to how long to pump. For me, i pump left side 15 min, right side 15 min, then use hand expression coz pumping may not reach all parts. then another 5 min (left) and 5 min (right), and finish off by hand expression again. It's really tiring and tedious to do this every pumping session. I feed my boy every time he shows signs of hunger, which actually is pretty much 2.5-3 hrly, but he takes only 100ml per feed.