caesarean birth..any mommies have any experience to share?


Hey just gone through caesarean birth around 6 days ago in gleneagles , was induced due to low amniotic fluid during 40 week check up , but was in delivery room for 8 hours still no process & then went for caesearean :) Was on epidural ,could feel that they r touching me only , no pain at all but untill they pull out the baby i felt a lil uncomfortable then i vomit but i think is due to the movement of organs & i was really hungry at that time . After that i got bad shiverings due to the side effect of epidural 2-3 hours then i felt better :)

I can't really walk till the 3rd day , i keep taking pain killers like almost every time even asked for those put into buttock one but realised that eat more pain killers , will really affect the recovering , stopped the buttock one & keep trying to walk in the ward :)

The nurses there are all quite good & experience for me , but some might be new so they a little inexperience but only get them once or twice , lucky :D But those experience one will really answer & help me in everything .

Now wound is better already , i could walk but can't sit too long or else when i stand out still felt a lil pain but that one is bearable 0-10 only 1-2 pain . But i suggest if you really taking c-sect , don't keep sitting , walking . i was having bad aches due to lack of rest & also sitting to much as need to express extra milk all that really tired now ..

Hope you will enjoy good services in GlenE & also have a smooth delivery :)


Have you done your pre-admission registration? I didn't do that time yet because mine was emergency c-sect. And they made me go up and down from counter to counter just to get admitted. So angry mann...

That time I specified I wanted to breastfeed my baby but they didn't push my baby in for me to breastfeed. My baby was also very small and skinny, because he was slightly premature, and he was cold in the nursery. His hands and feet were already blue and they didn't tell us to get mittens. It's only when hubby found it strange why they didn't wheel our son in for us to breastfeed so he went to "collect" the baby then saw his hands and feet.

The LC at GlenE, she was terrible. I think they have a few at GlenE but the one I kenna was the lousy one, according to one of the nurses.

When I went home, they lost some of my son's mittens and booties. Tsk.

I gave birth near Christmas/New year time and I was told that they were very short handed. So ok larr.. I think I'm one of the unlucky ones because my friends who delivered there experienced pretty good service. dont't feel shy pressing the nurse call button. Just call them to get whatever you need. Also, ask them to wheel in a breast pump into your room so you can express your milk if you're having trouble latching your baby.
no i havent done my pre-admission yet cos not entirely confirm that it will be c-sec yet..will know by next check up. omg i cant believe they can let ur baby's hand and feet go blue...that's cld they do that. esp when ur bb is slightly premature they shld take even more care!!

yea i intend to breastfeed my baby so will def need bb is so kept awake at tired...cant wait til bb is out hehe


here's my 2 different experiences:

1st Girl
Emergency Csect (Aug 2006)
  • Waterbag burst at home, Fully dilated and pushed baby out for more than 2 hours but she still cant come out. Baby distressed. After Op, found out her umbilical cord was actually wrapped around her neck, thus the E-Csect L
  • Contractions before the Op
  • Cant feel a thing when they injected me with Epidural
  • Shivering like hell after the Op (and I thought they ON the aircon really cold!) but it's just the after effect of the epidural?
  • stiches got well & dry after a few weeks
2nd Girl
Elective Csect (May 2009)
  • Baby was too big, doc just suggested that I go for csect immediately at 37weeks. Baby weighs 3.96kg at birth!
  • Contractions after the Op
  • Can feel EVERY single injections and it HURTS real bad!!!! (think there’s 4 in total)
  • No shivering at all after the Op
  • few weeks later, got open stiches coz it's 'wet' and i gotta see my gynae to clean my dressing (both using the dissolvable thread)
one day after the Op, both also i cried when i stood up to walk... just cant bear the pain!!!


here's my 2 different experiences:

1st Girl
Emergency Csect (Aug 2006)
  • Waterbag burst at home, Fully dilated and pushed baby out for more than 2 hours but she still cant come out. Baby distressed. After Op, found out her umbilical cord was actually wrapped around her neck, thus the E-Csect L
  • Contractions before the Op
  • Cant feel a thing when they injected me with Epidural
  • Shivering like hell after the Op (and I thought they ON the aircon really cold!) but it's just the after effect of the epidural?
  • stiches got well & dry after a few weeks
2nd Girl
Elective Csect (May 2009)
  • Baby was too big, doc just suggested that I go for csect immediately at 37weeks. Baby weighs 3.96kg at birth!
  • Contractions after the Op
  • Can feel EVERY single injections and it HURTS real bad!!!! (think there’s 4 in total)
  • No shivering at all after the Op
  • few weeks later, got open stiches coz it's 'wet' and i gotta see my gynae to clean my dressing (both using the dissolvable thread)
one day after the Op, both also i cried when i stood up to walk... just cant bear the pain!!!
HI nursmama can i ask why did u need to have 4 injections...what were they for?? and u mean ur stiches open up after a few weeks? is it cos they werent done well in the first place or they just open up on their own?? did you try wearing the binder?


no i havent done my pre-admission yet cos not entirely confirm that it will be c-sec yet..will know by next check up. omg i cant believe they can let your baby's hand and feet go blue...that's cld they do that. esp when your baby is slightly premature they shld take even more care!!

yea i intend to breastfeed my baby so will def need baby is so kept awake at tired...cant wait til baby is out hehe
You can do your pre-admission any time, whether natural or c-sect also can do pre-admission.

Don't worry, the more experienced nurses at GlenE will help you with breastfeeding. There're also TV channels in your ward where you can tune in to for them to teach you how to latch baby and bathe baby and so forth.


Well-Known Member
here's my 2 different experiences:

1st Girl
Emergency Csect (Aug 2006)
  • Waterbag burst at home, Fully dilated and pushed baby out for more than 2 hours but she still cant come out. Baby distressed. After Op, found out her umbilical cord was actually wrapped around her neck, thus the E-Csect L
  • Contractions before the Op
  • Cant feel a thing when they injected me with Epidural
  • Shivering like hell after the Op (and I thought they ON the aircon really cold!) but it's just the after effect of the epidural?
  • stiches got well & dry after a few weeks
2nd Girl
Elective Csect (May 2009)
  • Baby was too big, doc just suggested that I go for csect immediately at 37weeks. Baby weighs 3.96kg at birth!
  • Contractions after the Op
  • Can feel EVERY single injections and it HURTS real bad!!!! (think there’s 4 in total)
  • No shivering at all after the Op
  • few weeks later, got open stiches coz it's 'wet' and i gotta see my gynae to clean my dressing (both using the dissolvable thread)
one day after the Op, both also i cried when i stood up to walk... just cant bear the pain!!!
It should be.. mine were so bad, they piled 3-4 blankets on me and used the electric blanket as well.

Shivering is quite a common side effect of the epidural. I think I reacted especially badly to it. I also had dry retches shortly after the epi was administered. The 1st time round, I had itchy patches all over my body, particularly ard the neck and torso. Was also told it's a reaction to epi.


It should be.. mine were so bad, they piled 3-4 blankets on me and used the electric blanket as well.

Shivering is quite a common side effect of the epidural. I think I reacted especially badly to it. I also had dry retches shortly after the epi was administered. The 1st time round, I had itchy patches all over my body, particularly around the neck and torso. Was also told it's a reaction to epi.

Yeah agree with you , i got one warmer thing under , & 3 covering me . & took around 3 hours then start to recover from the shivers :)


Hi Maiz

I delivered through c-sec in Dec 2008. I decided to induce 2 weeks before my due date of 25 Dec. Tried for natural birth but didn't dilate enough so had to do c-sec. after going through it, I think the c-sec is not that bad and you could also get to see your baby immediately after giving birth coz you would be "awake" during the whole process. They will only numb the bottom half of your body with epidural so you can hear and still "feel" a bit when the gynae is doing the procedure but you won't feel the pain. You will be on the pain killer during your stay at the hospital. Within the first few hours after being wheeled from the operating room to your own room, you can start breast feeding your baby already :). I can't quite remember how painful it was after the ops but I do remember that after the first day I have already started walking about but can't really stand up too straight :p.

As for the malay massage, I did have that but not immediately but only after 2 or 3 weeks then I started on the massage for 7 sessions. The massage lady knows about the c-sec and she is experienced so will not touch our wound. The massage was done above my tummy and more gently and then herbs applied and then she wrapped me up.

The external wound heals much faster than the internal wound so that is one thing to note and take care. After a few weeks you would feel well enough but honestly, to feel back to normal and to regain the usual strength of the tummy area, it takes at least 6 months.

Hope you have an smooth delivery whichever option to decide and enjoy your baby soon! :)


HI nursmama can i ask why did you need to have 4 injections...what were they for?? and you mean your stiches open up after a few weeks? is it cos they werent done well in the first place or they just open up on their own?? did you try wearing the binder?
it's the epidural injections... or izzit called the General Anasthetic (GA) injections to numb ur lower half for the csect. any mommies here can really feel the injections? or izzit just me? :embarrassed:

yup.. open wound (just some small part) ... coz i didnt really clean it up and keep the wound dry... yup, did wearing the binder...

It should be.. mine were so bad, they piled 3-4 blankets on me and used the electric blanket as well.
yeah... i had this for my first.... so i anticipated the shivering when i had my 2nd.... but didnt shivered a bit this time round!


it's the epidural injections... or izzit called the General Anasthetic (GA) injections to numb your lower half for the csect. any mommies here can really feel the injections? or izzit just me? :embarrassed:
Epidural and GA are different. Epidural is a type of anesthetic that only numbs the lower body. GA numbs the whole body.


Well-Known Member
For epi, there shld be only 1 injection to your back to insert the tube that delivers the anaesthetic. Unless the anaesthetist had repeated tries to get the needle inserted correctly. Don't think it's GA cos they'll give you the gas mask to make you sleep.


Epidural and GA are different. Epidural is a type of anesthetic that only numbs the lower body. GA numbs the whole body.
OIC... hahaa! got it confused!! for sure i dont wanna risk going under the knife for the 3rd time! :nah:

For epi, there shld be only 1 injection to your back to insert the tube that delivers the anaesthetic. Unless the anaesthetist had repeated tries to get the needle inserted correctly. dont't think it's GA cos they'll give you the gas mask to make you sleep.
only 1??! OMG!!!! :eek:
but how come only my 2nd time that i felt it? :err:
*gulp* then i guessed he tried to get the needle inserted correctly!


OIC... hahaa! got it confused!! for sure i dont wanna risk going under the knife for the 3rd time! :nah:

only 1??! OMG!!!! :eek:
but how come only my 2nd time that i felt it? :err:
*gulp* then i guessed he tried to get the needle inserted correctly!
does that mean he tried to poke u with the needle at least a few times before it got it correct??? did u have any pain after that??


Well-Known Member
OIC... hahaa! got it confused!! for sure i dont wanna risk going under the knife for the 3rd time! :nah:

only 1??! OMG!!!! :eek:
but how come only my 2nd time that i felt it? :err:
*gulp* then i guessed he tried to get the needle inserted correctly!
Was the anaesthetist the same for both your deliveries? My fren had repeated tries to insert the epi tubing for 1 c-sect too. After trying a few times, still cldn't get the position so she had to have GA.


Well-Known Member
I had an emergency c-sec (gave birth in Switzerland so no hospital specifics per se).

It all started when my water bag broke but I didn't have any contractions so after waiting a full 24 hours, they induced me twice. After the 2nd time, my contractions came and when I was 8cm dilated (I didn't know how much at that time, just that I was in a lot of pain), the midwife came to check and discovered a problem. After an ultrasound, they found out that Eva was a complete breech so I had to go for a c-sec. I went in the OT alone as my hubby is afraid of passing out halfway coz of the smell of bleach and all.

I was still having contractions although they gave me something to calm the contractions down so trying to stay super still while they were doing the spinal was very hard. One of the side effects was shivering so I got some very nice warm/hot towels to cover me throughout the surgery. I was awake throughout the whole thing and heard my daugther cried TWICE and everyone getting all excited and coo-ing about how big her eyes were. They showed her to me, let me smooch her and she was off to my HB who was waiting outside to dress her up. My BP dropped a little so they gave me something to boost it up. After they closed me, more hot/warm towels, a nice thick quilt, they wheeled me out to a recovery area for me to wait till I could feel my legs. They also sent my hubby and Eva to me and I latched her on then for her first BF session.

After recovery, I was sent back up to my room with her in my arms. She was roomed in with me but even though the midwives all said I could buzz them if I needed their help to carry Eva out of the bassinet, I ended up asking them to leave her in my arms instead so it would be easier for me to BF her, and calm her down. Best decision I made. The next morning, I was dying to get out of bed and the midwives came, remove the catherer and off I went to pee! :) I was walking around by the next day and carrying Eva. Even snuck in a shower! ^^


does that mean he tried to poke you with the needle at least a few times before it got it correct??? did you have any pain after that??
not sure.. think so?? :nah: he didnt say anything tho when i screamed (and cried) that i was in pain after he injected me!!!! after the last injection, i couldnt feel my legs anymore :err:

Was the anaesthetist the same for both your deliveries? My friend had repeated tries to insert the epi tubing for 1 c-sect too. After trying a few times, still cldn't get the position so she had to have GA.
dont think they're the same? else i've forgotten who was the anaesthetist the first time! :embarrassed:


I had an emergency c-sec (gave birth in Switzerland so no hospital specifics per se).

It all started when my water bag broke but I didn't have any contractions so after waiting a full 24 hours, they induced me twice. After the 2nd time, my contractions came and when I was 8cm dilated (I didn't know how much at that time, just that I was in a lot of pain), the midwife came to check and discovered a problem. After an ultrasound, they found out that Eva was a complete breech so I had to go for a c-sec. I went in the OT alone as my hubby is afraid of passing out halfway coz of the smell of bleach and all.

I was still having contractions although they gave me something to calm the contractions down so trying to stay super still while they were doing the spinal was very hard. One of the side effects was shivering so I got some very nice warm/hot towels to cover me throughout the surgery. I was awake throughout the whole thing and heard my daugther cried TWICE and everyone getting all excited and coo-ing about how big her eyes were. They showed her to me, let me smooch her and she was off to my husband who was waiting outside to dress her up. My BP dropped a little so they gave me something to boost it up. After they closed me, more hot/warm towels, a nice thick quilt, they wheeled me out to a recovery area for me to wait till I could feel my legs. They also sent my hubby and Eva to me and I latched her on then for her first BF session.

After recovery, I was sent back up to my room with her in my arms. She was roomed in with me but even though the midwives all said I could buzz them if I needed their help to carry Eva out of the bassinet, I ended up asking them to leave her in my arms instead so it would be easier for me to BF her, and calm her down. Best decision I made. The next morning, I was dying to get out of bed and the midwives came, remove the catherer and off I went to pee! :) I was walking around by the next day and carrying Eva. Even snuck in a shower! ^^

Ermm... I thought C-sec will be very painful after the numbing effect is gone? I'm quite surprised that u can walk around the next day.. the wound isn't painful at all for u?


Well-Known Member
The area was sore but I wasn't in pain. In fact, I didn't take the pain medication they gave me (four pills per day) except on some days when it feels tight and such. I figured that sooner or later, I'd have to get up and walk to the toilet, might as well start now.

I wasn't walking very fast - more like an old lady. :p


For epi i felt 3 injections i think , on different spot but thats when i still in induction ,later they only add on to make it more numb when i am in the operation room :)


I had an emergency c-sec (gave birth in Switzerland so no hospital specifics per se).

It all started when my water bag broke but I didn't have any contractions so after waiting a full 24 hours, they induced me twice. After the 2nd time, my contractions came and when I was 8cm dilated (I didn't know how much at that time, just that I was in a lot of pain), the midwife came to check and discovered a problem. After an ultrasound, they found out that Eva was a complete breech so I had to go for a c-sec. I went in the OT alone as my hubby is afraid of passing out halfway coz of the smell of bleach and all.

I was still having contractions although they gave me something to calm the contractions down so trying to stay super still while they were doing the spinal was very hard. One of the side effects was shivering so I got some very nice warm/hot towels to cover me throughout the surgery. I was awake throughout the whole thing and heard my daugther cried TWICE and everyone getting all excited and coo-ing about how big her eyes were. They showed her to me, let me smooch her and she was off to my husband who was waiting outside to dress her up. My BP dropped a little so they gave me something to boost it up. After they closed me, more hot/warm towels, a nice thick quilt, they wheeled me out to a recovery area for me to wait till I could feel my legs. They also sent my hubby and Eva to me and I latched her on then for her first BF session.

After recovery, I was sent back up to my room with her in my arms. She was roomed in with me but even though the midwives all said I could buzz them if I needed their help to carry Eva out of the bassinet, I ended up asking them to leave her in my arms instead so it would be easier for me to BF her, and calm her down. Best decision I made. The next morning, I was dying to get out of bed and the midwives came, remove the catherer and off I went to pee! :) I was walking around by the next day and carrying Eva. Even snuck in a shower! ^^
sounds like ur c-sec experience wasnt as bad and its so nice that you were able to move about the day after the too am praying hard that there will be no pain or at least not much...hehe