Calcium pill during confinement / Breastfeeding


New Member
Read somewhere that mums on cOnfinement or breast-feeding need to take calcium suPplement or next time will suffer fr tooth loss. Any calcium pill brand to recommend?


I'm not taking supplement as I dun really believe in it. Have a healthy diet and drink milk or calcium fortified soya daily. Should be enough.


I'm with lyra... I don't take extra calcium since I'm already taking dairy and eating healthily. It is enough :)

Calcium supplements are recommended if you are under 18 and nursing, or you have difficulty with taking foods with calcium in it, or if you are breastfeeding several children at the same time. Otherwise, it's a myth that healthy breastfeeding mothers need extra calcium. Maybe in rare cases some mothers do as every body is different...but in general if you eat healthily you'll get enough calcium from food :)