can breastfeed when i having flu...


New Member

All the more you should continue to bf cos you will be passing the anti-bodies to yr darlin'...

But make sure that if you really need to take med, inform the doc tat you r bfing and get med that are safe for tat. From wat I know, most med are quite safe..

Hope you'll get better soon!!!
hi, can i still breastfeed when im having flu but not taking any med.....
last time i also got very bad flu and went to doc then doc gave me medicine but not antibiotic as i am bf.

i still bf in that time, but of course due to the medicine i feeling drowsy then no choice give baby press BM.

make sure u cover your mouth when u do BF, if u really can't then give baby the press BM.

hope u getting better soon... take more rest, drink plenty of water. :)


hi, can i still breastfeed when im having flu but not taking any med.....
yup. still can breastfeed. baby may get very slight flu symptoms also. but very fast go away, no need see doc. I had a cough 2 months back, BF DS, he end up with a very slight cough and went away the next day.