Can still give breastmilk when mummy is sick?


Hi, I am down with flu + sore throat (think cough coming soon). At the moment still giving breastmilk to my girl (almost 4 mths).

Wondering if I can still continue to give her BM? Will she fall sick as a result. Can I take medication and still give her BM, e.g. the flu medicine (small yelloy pill) and cough mixture?



Well-Known Member
Hi, I am down with flu + sore throat (think cough coming soon). At the moment still giving breastmilk to my girl (almost 4 mths).

Wondering if I can still continue to give her BM? Will she fall sick as a result. Can I take medication and still give her BM, e.g. the flu medicine (small yelloy pill) and cough mixture?

You can continue to give bm to your dd as long as your doctor says that the med you're taking is safe for bfding. Do not self-medicate.

She may fall sick whether or not you're bfding her coz the germs are already in the air in your house. Even if your baby falls sick, the bm you're providing contains antibodies to prevent her from falling very sick coz your body already recognises that you're sick and will produce the appropriate antibodies to protect your bb. I've fed my dd through my illnesses and she has fallen ill now and then but recovers quickly and sometimes may not fall ill at all.


Thanks snowbear. Checked with my doc... okay to take the flu medicine while giving BM. Hope she won't fall sick cos will be putting her at infant care tomorrow... of all time now then fell sick (today is the last day of my maternity leave - returning to work tomorrow)