Comparing Duromine and Reductil.


People who are searching for weight loss products to assist them to slim down frequently question which diet pill is better Duromine or Reductil?

Many of those who take Duromine complain about serious side effects, even though Duromine is very effective in helping them lose extra weight. They usually experience increased heart rate, dry mouth, insomnia, Increased blood pressure, confusion, fever, hallucinations etc. People who takeReductil experience no or less serious side effects like, headache, insomnia, dry mouth. However the pills side effects depend on the individuals who are taking them.

Duromine (Phentermine) is a medically prescribed supplement that contains Phentermine and it's administrated for a quick weight loss. This pill is usually prescribed to people who are obese or have health problems associated with their weight gain. Duromine affects the brain by blocking the signals that tell the body that you are hungry. This means a person will eat less and lose more weight if they follow an effective weight loss plan. This would include a proper diet and daily exercises.

Reductil (Sibutramine) is a weight loss drug containing Sibutramine that helps people lose weight by suppressing their appetite. Reductil is one of the most powerful appetite suppressants that are available on the market. This product is recommended for its effectiveness in helping people lose weight and maintain it for a long term. The pill works by blocking the receptors in the brain that indicate to the body that you are hungry. This full feeling allows the person to eat less and as a result lose weight.
In addition Reductil significantly increases your metabolism promoting fast weight loss. Often when you consume less calories there is a fall in your metabolism, Reductil reverses this fall in metabolism and allows you to burn more calories for fast weight loss.

In conclusion we note that both Reductil and Duromine are effective slimming pills while Reductil is more popular and has fewer side effects. Duromine is designed for quick weight loss and Reductil is used for long term (up to a year without pauses).

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New Member
Slimming Pills - I have found these tablets to work very well, I have tried other supplements in the past that were OK but did not seem to match the claims. These tabIets started to suppress my appetite quite quickly which was the first sign and after just over a week I did seem to have lost some weight around my tummy in particular. Delivery was quick and I have been impressed with the product.
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