Cooking Porridge for Baby


New Member
Hi mummies, my little one is currently 9 months old and has very small appetite for milk and solids.

In order for her to receive as much nutrients as possible, I usually add many vegetables (e.g pumpkin, spinach etc) in her porridge everyday.

I'm cooking her porridge with a slow cooker from morning 8am till afternoon 3pm, as it's convenient and don't have to worry it will burn.

Question is, will the vegetables be losing their nutrients due to prolong cooking? Or is it fine since the nutrients are still contained in the porridge itself?


Hey Cardigal! ;)

You know how when you boil veggies in water for some time in order to make them soft? The vitamins would have leached into the water. This water if thrown away is wasted. But if this is added to porridge or soups, you would have consumed the vitamins. Likewise, your overcooked veggies in the porridge is fine, because you're consuming the 'nutritious water'.


New Member
Thanks Qookie! :)

That's what I thought too. But I've read on other forums that the nutrients won't be retained even in the water. I'm not sure of the reason.

Anyway, some mummies suggest using steamer to cook the porridge. I'll probably try and see if it's as soft as using a slow cooker... :)


New Member
Have you heard of Petit Bowl which is frozen baby food? I read that frozen is just as nutritious as fresh. I saw their website they have a good variety which is what I like. My youngest is only 6 months just started cereals, but from past experience my other kids always ate porridge got bored of it after a while. They have free complimentary group sampling I thought of going to try, interested? They are located at Siglap. Check it out at Petit Bowl - Petit Bowl


New Member
Hi 3Cmum, I saw the website on Petit Bowl. I don't mind joining you for the complimentary group sampling. Are there any other moms out there who are interested?:)