Cooking porridge...


Alpha Male
I know most parents cook Carrot, Pumpkin, Sweet potato etc with porridge for their kids. Just wondering.. do you puree the carrot/pumpkin/sweet potato together with your porridge?

Or u only add those vege for taste?


Active Member
yes i feed the porridge with the cooked veg that i put into the rice whilst cooking to give it taste. Sometimes i go for short cut ways - cook plain porridge and pop 2 frozen cubes of vegetable puree into the porridge


Well-Known Member
how much carrort?
is one whole carrot too much?
1 whole carrot is TOO MUCH! even adult also wont eat one whole. unless u steam it, puree it, store the rest in freezer. maybe gif 1-2 tablesppon each time? =)
Another method is to dice it really small and cooked it with the porridge. By the time the porride is ready, so is the vegetable.


Well-Known Member
No I don't. I dice or chop coarsely. When bb got older, I will cut into lengths so he can hold them with a fork.


Active Member
I usually only dice the veg and add it in once porridge is half cook.The veg will be soft enough to mash once its cooked.U should not overcook the veg.


For me,i will cook a small pot of plain porridge...Then separately,i will puree my carrots/spinach/other veg..And steam my fish..And boil the eggs and take out the yolks..I will put them all in separate containers and put them in the fridge..

So when its about reaching my baby's feeding time,i will take a bit of everything and mix the porridge,veg and/or fish and egg yolk and heat them up a bit before giving it to my baby.. :001_302: